2009-03-02 19:15:36 UTC
Just want to make sure I'm in the clear. I'm opened PSPs up and replaced motherboards, LCDs, and power switches for friends, and only used Pandora's battery on an already bricked PSP. I made the MMS w/ totalnewbie (since i didn't have a homebrew) and although the PSP would cut on after everything was run, it would freeze and the BSOD would come up when i did certain things (like change system settings, time/date and the like) I'm guessing i did something wrong in making the mem stick.
Also, if anyone can give me a good newbie guide step by step what to do so I can read over. There's so much on the net and some info seems to conflict at times. I just want to be very sure of what I'm doing. I'd be so pissed if I bricked a perfectly fine PSP. I really want to play some on my old PSX games on PSP, already made an iso and downloaded some torrents.
Sorry for the newbie question. Thanks for the help, 5 stars/10pnts to whoever gives me the info I need!