2008-10-30 01:12:06 UTC
Something I don't understand, I have a game that claims to support 720p, 1080i, and 1080p (spiderman web of shadows), but when I load the game it only loads in 720p, I have experienced that quite a while ago and thought it was because I had it on automatic resolution sensing, I have then went into my video settings and disabled every resolution except for 1080p and 480p (I wanted to uncheck 480p, but the PS3 doesn't allow it), I then went back to the game and tried again, thinking that since I have 720p disabled, that it would go strait to 1080p, but instead of going to 1080p, it went to 480p
My question isn't how to make it work (as there is no way), but more of, why do they plain out lie on the packaging? I mean we pay $500~$600 for a gaming console that supports 1080p, we spend $70 on a game that claims it supports 1080p, and it can't display in a resolution above 720p, isn't that considered false advertising?