2011-04-21 16:32:45 UTC
Alright. PSN is reportedly going to be down for up to two days, with a possibility of resolving the problem sooner. Right now the cause is indefinite. Anon (or Anonymous - in short a hacking group) publicly released a statement last week which said that they would no longer use their abilities to have a negative influence on those "innocent players," and that their objective was to only have an effect on the company, Sony, itself. The group has had problems with other major sites and companies in the past, including DDoS'ing (distributed denial of service) youtube, etc. However, the fact that PSN is down may exemplify that they are not a unified group, and therefore branches of the group may have caused this. As it has already been pointed out, this is not a service or software update, yet the software engineers are still unsure of the cause. When people are saying maintenance, the only way I assume this is accurate is that yes, now that Sony's software engineers are aware of the problem they are attempting to fix it. Do you consider that maintenance? It was not the original cause of the shut down.. There are a lot of other posts, too. Hmm, so its not a deliberate part of Sony and Anon said they weren't going to affect the gamers...w/e. Like others have pointed out, we aren't paying anything. Sony is trying their best and need our support. I can almost assure everyone that this isn't some marketing plot of Sony, as they wouldn't attain anything from it, either. Many of us have off from school right now, so maybe this will give us an opportunity to get a life and do something with real friends or get outdoors. I'm no stereotype here, and can admit to many hours of sitting in front of the t.v late at night in a dark room. =D Can't we all? The problem will come to a climax and be fixed relatively soon. If Anon is behind this it will give our engineers better prospects to fix inevitably imminent problems. Gamers Unite. =P I think we have other things going on in the world right now which we can concern ourselves with rather than our gaming problems. Thanx for reading. learn more about the problem. If the information is completely relevant to your question it may have been angled for one I answered on behalf of a different person. I hope you don't mind, but this is a universal overview of the event.
P.P.S- The error code I receive is 80710A67
Have a Great day