ps3 xbox 360 or wii?
2008-01-27 14:22:53 UTC
which one should i get and give me reasons please. 10 points for the best answerer
Thirteen answers:
Bull Goose Loony
2008-01-27 14:26:56 UTC
This is my cut and paste answer. The reason for that is because a tech info is a tech info, you can't beat it (sources below). Also this question is so often!!!

PS3 will win the console war, no doubt. Xbox 360 and Wii are so weak from technological point of view, that in couple of years they won't be capable of dealing with serious graphics. GTA IV, for instance, isn't even announced for Wii - this toy won't be able to cope with the game's requirements. Xbox 360 is getting GTA IV, however, the game is going to be released on several DVDs - Xbox 360 owners will have to interrupt gaming process and switch discs (Rockstar complained about this issue). Only PS3 will have it on single BD-DVD.

Let's compare PS3 and XBOX 360:

1). A third of XBOX 360 (33%) are malfunctioning right from the start. PS3 return rate is only around 0.2%. Despite some people say, that new 360 has no breakdown issues - just visit Xbox section of Yahoo answers and see for yourself an amount of complaints.

2). PS3 has 8 (7+1) kernels in Cell processor, Xbox 360 -only 3.

3). PS3 uses advanced tech called Blu-Ray, one disc can store up to 54 gb (in the future - up to 200 gb), Xbox 360 - regular dual layer DVD-9 (8.5GB). It's possible to get HD-DVD (max. - 30GB) for 360, but it'll cost you around 180$, in this case Xbox is going to be MUCH more expensive, than PS3.

4). Calculations per sec - PS3 - 51-billion-dot-product-operati... per second

Xbox 360 - 33.6-billion-dot-product-opera... per second

5). PS3 has full media support - USBs, built-in 4 slots card reader (except 20GB and 40GB versions), ability to use printer and so on.

Xbox 360 has USBs and only 2 memory slots.

6). PS3 supports up to 7 Bluetooth Controllers

Xbox 360 - up to 4 Controllers

7). PS3 - wi-fi included (except 20 gb version)

Xbox 360 - wi-fi will cost you around 100 $

8). From the first technical sight - graphics are stronger in 360 (it has a stronger graphics chip - Xenos), BUT PS3 can use it's Cell CPU for graphics too, which gives you better graphics in total. PS3 uses a weaker RSX chip, that was developed by Nvidia exclusively for PS3. RSX runs on 550 Mhz. It's difficult to compare their graphics, because 360 has a video chip with totally different structure and operating memory is divided differently in both consoles. Xbox isn't that versatile in dividing tasks between CPU and GPU as PS3. That's why PS3 exclusives look better than 360's exclusives.

9). PS3 uses technology from AGEIA company. It does to physics of the game same thing GPU (videocard processor) does to graphics. This thing is on sale for PC(special card). The price is around 350$. There is no such thing in 360.

10). Xbox 360 is widely known for so-called "red ring of death" problem - it gets overheated easily. My PS3 was running for more than 15 hours non-stop with no problems. Sometimes Xbox 360 becomes so overheated, that thermopaste on CPU melts, drips on motherboard and successfully shortcircuits it. That's why in some countries people call Xbox 360 "Coffin 360".

11). Besides all of this, I've seen disassembled Xbox 360 - regular PC architecture - Billy Gates is an uninventive nerd (as usual).

When I saw disassembled PS3 - it was a surprise - smart architecture, good cooling (don't buy external PS3 coolers - they make everything worse - original system is good), etc.

12). In 2008 PS3 will get more than 300 games, including Metal Gear Solid 4, The Agent and other great exclusives. Here is the good link to the future PS3 releases.

13). PS3 online is free, Xbox 360 - you have to pay.

14). There were reports, that 360 scratches discs. No reports on that in PS3.

15). The funniest thing, that right now there are no games for PS3, that show full potential of the console. Biggest games weigh only 25 GB (Xbox 360 will need more than 3 discs even for those).

16). On PS3 you can install other OS, such as Linux Yellow Dog, Ubuntu and others. Sony officially lets you do it. There is no such thing in 360.

17). PS3 HDD can be replaced easily with any 2.5" SATA 5400 RPM HDD (used in laptops). 250 GB will cost you around 170$. In 360 you have to buy exclusive HDD, where 20GB will cost you 100$.

18).Sony expects PS3 to stay on the market for, at least, 7-10 years. Also Sony reduces price now. There is a cheaper 40GB version of PS3.

19).Sony constantly upgrades PS3 software (free updates for OS) - you get new functions and improvements.

20). PS3 controller (sixaxis) has a motion control - you move controller - game responds. Wii has it, Xbox 360 - doesn't. PS3 is getting rumble controller (Dualshock 3) in 1st quarter 2008, Japan already has it. On I saw those controllers on sale 50$ and up (unofficial import)

21).On PS3 you can help sick people by running Folding Home project. Wii and Xbox 360 didn't even think about it.

22).New 40GB is 399$ or 399 euro (depends on the region) - it has no backwards compatibility with PS2 games, has 2 USBs instead of 4, no built-in card reader, but it's the same PS3, strong, reliable, less noisy, different cooling system. The price is friendly.

23). But, to be just, I'm not a PS3 fanboy, so (despite I own one) hear this - PS3 games (exclusives) are very hard to develop due to complicated Cell's architecture. We have to wait till developers will figure out how to develop games properly. Sometimes multiplatform games run not so good on PS3 due to the same developing issues - it's hard for developers to get a grip on such advanced technologies.

I didn't mention Wii, because it's so weak, no point to talk about it. Leave it for kindergarten and casual games.


and many other sources
2016-10-15 10:15:04 UTC
The PS3 performs finished 1080p hi-definition wheras the Xbox in basic terms upscales the image. the internet gaming is loose for the PS3 so over 5 years this is £2 hundred/$270 saved while in comparison with Xbox stay. in case you like on line play there is Warhawk and Unreal adventure 3 is popping out. additionally the psnetwork has Little massive Planet and domicile coming to it. Blu-ray discs recommend that extra would be saved on PS3 video games allowing them to be larger. An Xbox DVD holds approximately 8GB yet a single layer Blu-ray disc holds 25GB and a twin layer holds 50GB yet a 360 game expenses the comparable as a PS3 game. The PS3 is an particularly inexpensive Blu-ray participant while you're able to desire to purchase a £a hundred and twenty/$2 hundred upload-directly to play HD-DVD movies. The PS3 has been out a year below the 360 and that's photographs are already equalling or enhancing those on the 360. because of the fact the builders grow to be extra suitable at coming up video games for the PS3 the hollow will purely widen. as far as video games bypass a great type of the extra suitable video games for the Xbox are the two multi-platform or going to return out for the pc quicker or later like Gears of war and Halo a million & 2 already have. The PS3 has Uncharted, Killzone 2, Haze, MGS4, very final fantasy XIII, Ratchet and Clank, and God of war 3. ultimately the PS3 has plenty extra suitable hardware than the Xbox which has massive 30% failure value. The Xbox's strengths are that that's extra value-effective (yet i don't think of that's interior the long-term) and Xbox stay is in all probability extra suitable (yet you're able to desire to pay). in case you're particularly an off-the-cuff gamer or non-gamer and prefer having non-gamer pals around the Wii is the right determination for you. The Wii has some stable video games like Zelda Twilight Princess yet a great type of others are in basic terms mini-game compilations. i think of you're own determination for the video games on each and each equipment would desire to be what you base your determination on yet i could decide for a PS3.
2008-01-27 14:55:18 UTC
There are some questions that have to be asked in order to answer your question. The first is what kind of games do you like to play? The next is do you have the money to purchase any of the three? The next is how old are you? The next is do you mind being without your console for some time due to repairs? Another question to ask is which games for which console appeal to you more? And finally, are older games (backward compatibility) an issue?

Now let's talk about why those questions are important. What kinds of games do you like to play? If you like sports games, Halo, Gears of War and Mass Effect, then the 360 is for you. If you like sports games, Socom, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Killzone 2, then the PS3 is for you. If you like Mario games and Zelda games, then the Wii is for you.

Do you have the money to purchase any of the three consoles? The price difference between the consoles, leaves some of the consoles out for some, the Wii is $249.99 (US) and has enough built in to get you started with the console, the 360 Pro/Premium edition is $349.99, but if you want to use wi-fi connection to the internet, that's another $99.99, if you want to play online that's another $50/yr. So you'll need $499.98 to get started with the 360. The PS3 40GB edition is $399.99 has wi-fi built-in, has a free online system (PSN), the 80GB edition is $499.99 which includes backward compatibility. Ready to play right out of the box.

The reason age is important, if you're 14 and under, you'll most likely enjoy the Wii more than the 360 or PS3. If you're over 14 though, the Wii just doesn't have as many compelling games for adults as the 360 or PS3.

The reason why it might be important if you can be without your system for a while is that you have to realize that over 30% of all 360s break with the 'Red Rings of Death'. So you'll have to expect for it to break at one point, and at that time, you'll be without your console for at least a month while it's repaired.

The PS3 however, has a failure rate of about .02%, that's right less then 1/2 of 1%, and the Wii is in about the same area as the PS3.

Take a look at each console and see what games that are out for each one currently that appeal to you most. Does Halo 3 appeal to you more than Resistance, or Warhawk. Does Mass Effect appeal to you more than Mario Galaxy? If so, then based upon that information the 360 is the machine for you.

The reason the question if older games are important is because if you're looking to play PS2 games then obviously you have to give the mark to the PS3. Otherwise between the other two consoles (except the wii will play gamecube games) then it's a wash.

Personally for me, the PS3 is the way to go, with the technology in the machine and the reliability of the machine, I'm glad I bought my PS3 over a year ago. I wouldn't at this point consider owning a Wii there just is nothing available on it, I want to play on it. I do Mario or Zelda games, and the graphics of the games on the Wii are about as good as my PS2, no thanks, not from a next gen console. They're going to be looking at a new console within the next 4 years.

The 360 well, it's a Microsoft product, and just as their other products is condusive to breaking, over 30% failure rate is just something that should not be tolerated on a $400 console, and paying to play a game that you've already purchased is just stupid to me.
9 Toes
2008-01-31 09:50:45 UTC
Wii is WAY better than PS3! I'll give you 16 reasons why.

1: It costs half as much.

2: It comes with 5 games and a controller.

3: It's WAY more fun (trust me I've played one b4).

4: You can surf the web on it (just like you can on a computer and is 100% free).

5: The Miis are REALLY fun to make and a lot are funny.

6: You can buy an HD wire to get all games in HD.

7: It's a lot more easy to get use to the controls (on about 80% of the games for it).

8: The controller(s) are a WHOLE lot more comfortable than all the others.

9: there are going to be literally 100 more games coming out for it this year.

10: You can download old NES/SNES/Nintendo 64/Game Boy//Sega Genesis/TurboGrafx16/ for about 1 to 8 dollars.

11: You can edit photos you have on your cell phone/digital camera(s).

12: The PS3 controller only has tilting compatibility (wich the Wii has and more).

13: The Wii has multiple Types of controllers (that make it more fun to play it).

14: The PS3 doesn't come with a controller, game, or wires to hook it all up (but that's just a rumor about no wires).

15: You can play old Gamecube games on the Wii.

16: check out these sites (the last one REALLY says it all)
2008-01-27 14:36:31 UTC
Wii doesn't compare..

Now for the other two.

This is the end all argument for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. Note that I am not a fanboy and have played both consoles and by far the Playstation 3 has longevity than the Xbox 360. These are facts and I have numerous sources. Why is this answer long? It refutes everything that Xbox 360 owners say about the Playstation 3. Also, if you're about to dish out $400-$600 for a system, you want to know all you can.


Microsoft is a company which experiences are mostly computers not games. Windows Vista is a disaster and 50% of people switch back to Windows XP. Microsoft never answered people's problems, this is why people turn to Mac. When Microsoft heard about their Red Ring of Death, they didn't fix it, instead updated the warranty.

Sony's first Playstation was a success, so they know their field with this. Their smart and reliable and always help their customers when they need too. When Playstation 2 had a lens error, it was Sony who provided how to clean your Playstation 2 with a cotton swab and alcohol, not someone else. They didn't ask you the send your system in so they can fix it, they admitted the problem and gave a simple do-it-yourself solution.


Look at the bigger picture. With the Playstation 3 you are getting a Blu-Ray DVD player which like $300 on the market for the cheapest one. Playstation 3 most expensive model cost $600 bucks. Xbox 360 most expensive model cost $450 bucks. Let's say Microsoft don't come out for another console for 5 years so lets add their $50 subscription fee to play Xbox Live. That's $250 dollars + $450 dollars for a Xbox 360 in 5 years minus the games. So you are paying more than the Playstation 3 just to use it's features. Features that should have been granted to you when you spent the $450 bucks for their console.


Playstation 3 had a slight bug problem (0.2% in consoles worldwide) but was fixed right away with re-releases of the consoles and firmware downloads. People complained about their Sixaxis controller not having rumble technology so Sony has worked on Dualshock 3, which will be coming out in Spring 2008. They actually listen when someone complains.

Xbox 360 currently has a major hardware malfunction called the Red Ring of Death (A play off the name Blue Screen of Death) that only Microsoft can fix. This is a problem in 33% of their consoles in the United States (1 out of 3). Even in their new consoles, these problems still occur. Microsoft has offered to fix it for free and extended their warranty. The problem is it takes 6 weeks to get your Xbox 360 back and it could get stolen in the mail and you won't get reimbursed. In fact Xbox 360 is number 1 in the top ten bad electronics in 2007. Everyone I know is on their second console. If only Microsoft would tell local Gamestops how to fix the problem, but they don't have the best interest in gamers in mind.


Xbox 360 has better games than the Ps3 now, but by the end of 2008, the Playstation 3 will have way more better games. How do I know? E3 2007 graded every console. Wii got a C- because they talked about their success. Xbox 360 got a C because they talk about their games in 2007 such as Halo and BioShock. The Ps3 got a B- because their longevity is noticed and their games in 2008 will be the best out of the 3 consoles.

Xbox 360 has had a head start for a year and their games are slightly better than Ps3. Their top 3 games: Halo 3, Gears of War, and Bioshock are all First Person Shooters. They don't have a mix array of games. Microsoft dishes a lot of cash to the developers to keep games exclusive.

The best games for the Xbox 360 has come and gone. So you tell me you're going to sit there and wait 2-3 years for Halo 4.

Well right now there's Resistance, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Ratchet and Clank, Virtua Fighter 5, Heavenly Sword, Stranglehold, Assassin's Creed, Virtua Tennis 3, Folklore, Uncharted, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, Guitar Hero 3, Singstar and Call of Duty 4. Some games are for the Xbox 360 as well.

Upcoming exclusive games for the PS3 are Killzone 2, Haze, Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Afrika, Motorstorm 2, Wipeout, Yakuza 3, LittleBigPlanet, Infamous, White Knight Chronicles, Disgaea 3, The Getaway 3, Heavy Rain, SOCOM: Confrontation, Wardevil, LA Noire, Tekken 6 and God of War 3 will all be coming out as PS3 exclusives. Also the maker of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus is making his next game exclusively on PS3.

Thats like 15 exclusives with high 9.0 reviews from Gamespot & GameInformer. Most of these games take over a month to complete so you won't be putting the Ps3 down for quite some time now.

Developers had 2 years to dish out games for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 is not far behind.


The only accessory you need and should really buy is a new inter cooler fan for the Xbox 360. You should buy it before the Xbox 360 break on you. Why won't Microsoft give it you guys for free? Because they don't care about their gamers and see this as a lost.

Playstation 3 on the other hand has numerous accessories. They had bluetooth headsets, the new eyetoy which will make the Ps3 a lot similar to Wii with kid games, internet browser. Did you know that Sony is creating an application to allow users to record Live TV. So you're getting a TiVo with a Blu-Ray DVD Player.


Xbox 360 online is better because more people since it came out a year earlier than the Ps3. When Ps3 introduces Home, the online community will become more connected and better. In Home, you can play pool, billards, bowl, and jump right into games. You don't even need a ps3 game to have fun. Expect a major knockoff from Microsoft, it's in their character to do so.

In closing, you can't go wrong with the Playstation 3. Playstation 1 and 2 were major hits and the Playstation 3 will follow. Getting a Xbox 360 is like having a Daweoo, a pretty dumb idea.

Who are you going to choose? The 2 time back to back winner of the console wars or the sophomore that came back unprepared for a rematch (When I mean unprepared I mean buggy [like the ring of death])

The Ps3 is a end all hands down winner.
Neil G
2008-01-27 14:49:43 UTC
Firstly don't get the wii, it's too weak, has the least online multiplayer games and there are far more games on the other platforms (most of the multi-platform games I mention below aren't even on the wii because it can't handle them). The only good exclusives the wii is getting this year are Super Smash Brothers Brawl, No More Heroes and Mario Kart.

Now to compare the PS3 and 360:

Online gaming is free for the PS3 and Xbox Live is £40 per year in UK/ $50 per year in America, so over 5 years that's £200/$250 saved compared to Xbox live. If you like online play there's Resistance, Motorstorm and Warhawk. And Unreal Tournament 3, Haze and Metal Gear Online are coming out. Also the Playstation Network has Little Big Planet and Home coming to it. The Playstation Store has some great things on it like classic Playstation games, as well as original games like Super Stardust HD, Calling All Cars and Everyday Shooter.

Blu-ray discs mean that more can be stored on PS3 games allowing them to be bigger and things like audio don't need to be compressed. An Xbox DVD holds about 8GB but a single layer Blu-ray disc holds 25GB and a dual layer holds 50GB yet a 360 game costs the same as a PS3 game. Grand Theft Auto 4 may have to be put on multiple discs for the 360 because they're smaller and you might not like having to get up to change the disc. One level on Killzone 2 takes up 2GB, and Uncharted takes up 24GB which shows the scale of PS3 games. The PS3 is a very cheap Blu-ray player while you have to buy a £120/$200 add-on to play HD-DVD movies on the 360.

The PS3 has been out a year less than the 360 and it's graphics are already equalling or bettering those on the 360. As the developers become better at developing games for the PS3 the gap will only widen. As far as games go most of the better games for the Xbox are either multi-platform or going to come out for the PC at some point like Gears of War and Halo 1 & 2 already have.

The 360 is backwards compatible with about 300 Xbox games but if you get a backwards compatible PS3 then there are thousands of PS1 and PS2 games you can play.

Here's a list of what I think are or will be the best games for the PS3:

Currently the best exclusives are Resistance, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ratchet and Clank, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Folklore, Motorstorm, Ridge Racer 7 and Uncharted. If you add in non-exclusives like Call of Duty 4, Elder Scrolls IV, Virtua Fighter 5, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Rock Band, Burnout Paradise and Assassin's Creed then you can see that there are plenty of good games to choose from on the PS3.

Killzone 2, Haze, MGS4, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Resistance 2, Afrika, Motorstorm 2, The Agency, Wipeout PS3, Yakuza 3, LittleBigPlanet, Infamous, Uncharted 2, White Knight Chronicles, Disgaea 3, Valkyrie of the Battlefield, The Getaway 3, Heavy Rain, SOCOM: Confrontation, Wardevil, LA Noire, Playstation Eye games, Tekken 6 and God of War 3 will all be coming out as PS3 exclusives. Also the maker of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus is making his next game exclusively on PS3.

As well as these there are games that are multi-platform like Devil May Cry 4, Lost Planet, GTA IV, The Last Remnant, Resident Evil 5, Mercenaries 2, Far Cry 2, Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, Street Fighter 4, Condemned 2, Silent Hill 5, Eternal Sonata, Fallout 3, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Dead Space, Borderlands, and Soul Calibur 4. Also a new Jak and Daxter game, Mass Effect and Bioshock are rumoured to be coming out on the PS3. So in my opinion the PS3 has a much stronger and more varied lineup then the 360.

The Xbox is cheaper (but I don't think it is in the long run) and Xbox live is probably better (but I don't think the difference is worth the cost). The original Xbox only had a lifespan of 4 years and with the 360's problems it may only last another 2-3. The PS2 had a lifespan of 6 years and the PS3 is planned to last 7-10 years. All PS3 controllers are rechargeable, you just connect them to the USB port to charge, but you have to buy a rechargeable battery pack if you don't want to use AA batteries for the 360 pad.

The PS3 has much better hardware than the Xbox which has massive 30% failure rate. The PS3's failure rate is 0.2%. 360's are known to scratch discs if they're moved while on, this would be practically impossible to happen on the PS3 anyway because blu-ray discs are hard-coated.

The PS3 is the most value for money as all models have a hard drive and Wi-fi built in but for the 360 you have to pay more in some way or another for these features. Also to play DVDs you have to buy a DVD remote for the 360 but you can just use the sixaxis if you want to play DVDs on the PS3. Only the PS3's games are all region free so you can import games from other countries before they come out or get an obscure Japanese game if you want. Also the PS3 plays full 1080p hi-definition whereas the Xbox just upscales the image.

You should get the console that has the games that you want but I think the PS3 is better because of it's games, features and reliability.
2008-01-27 14:30:03 UTC
Either get the PS3 or 360, every game for the wii is a shallow collection of minigames that you'll get bored of in a week if that.
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2008-01-27 14:31:50 UTC
what the other guy said his all right the ps3 is more cheaper than the xbox 360 and better plus killzone 2, MGS4 (nuff said), and 4d graphics look at the screenshots of heavy rain and GTA 5 see how realistic it looks

take this test to see which one is real and which one is the game
2008-01-27 14:28:06 UTC
I would suggest the xbox 360. The graphics are FLAWLESS and they have most of the best games such as rock band. the wii and the ps3 cant even compare.
2008-01-27 14:28:16 UTC
xbox 360 - because it is just so much better. plus u can play halo 3 on it, graphics,

the bad thing about the wii i that there isn't any games out there.
2008-01-27 16:00:34 UTC
well " Bull Goose Loony " and " Weezy S Baby " explained everything , Free online and no red ring of death
2008-01-27 14:31:55 UTC
Wii :)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.