PS3 has awesome games. 95% games are multi-plats, but PS3 has superior exclusives of the 2 IMHO.
Just check this year, PS3 has given 3 AAA titles (Killzone 2, Infamous, MBL) whereas none from the 360 quadrant. PS3 has Uncharted 2(best looking game till date) and GT5 later this year + They have God Of War 3, in march next year.
PS3 has Blu-Ray... BR discs are really cheap on sites like ebay, Amazon.... (some retail for 14-15$). The quality is an obvious leap from DVD (480P vs 1080P.... No chance for DVD). And lets just say that BR is going to become the next DVD so you have to adopt it sometime or another. Also, PS3 benifits a lot from BR as most PS3 exclusives weigh in at more than 35-40 GB (MGS4-40GB, Killzone 2-45GB...) So hence, the quality of the games is awesome.
Ps3 has most of the above game in that list + Exclusives as I said earlier (except for ME,Gears,L4D and Fable).... PS3 has Wifi and Blue tooth. PS3 online play is Free... PS3 has better reliability (a recent survey shows that 54.2% of Xboxes are defective whereas only 1-2% PS3's are defective).
In short, if you want a complete package, then PS3 is the best choice. The List of exclusives that I recommend are:
MGS4 (Best game this genre hands down)
Killzone 2 (Best looking FPS... Awesome gameplay and multiplayer)
Infamous (Best open world game...)
Resistance 1/2 (Good shooters)
God Of War 3 (Lol.. What do I have to say about this... EPIC)
Uncharted 1/2 (Trust me, UC2 is GOTY 09... MW2 won't get it)
GT5 (Best Car simulator game... 1000 cars wow!!!!)
MAG (256 player online... MASSIVE scale COD in short)
FF vs 13
Motostorm 1/2
Quantum (Gears style TPS.... will launch next year)
And many more....