Is everybody getting this PSN error 8001050F at the same time?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is everybody getting this PSN error 8001050F at the same time?
256 answers:
2010-02-28 22:48:23 UTC
Check this out guys.
2010-02-28 20:05:46 UTC
oh dam good thing i did some research first! lol. cuz this not even my ps3 and i thot i broke it lol.
Anthony P
2010-02-28 19:07:08 UTC
ok so i don't know if anyone else tried but earlier i tried going to the playstation site (

anyways it wasn't working at all wouldn't load, nothing..... but now still not working completely but i noticed the site has a different look..... kinda wish theyd fix the site later...i want, no i NEED to play MW2 i have the shakes

*EDIT* on twitter "PSN status update (part 2): Readers/followers are confirming that "slim" units (120/250 GB models) are connecting normally."

well thanks for telling us what we told you....
2010-02-28 16:32:08 UTC
Lets hope sony isn't bricking our older ps3's to force us into the slim model
2010-02-28 16:13:52 UTC
Is this the beginning of Sony getting us all to start paying for the PSN network??? Went down half an hour ago, there's no way all there servers would be updated at the same time, serious problem going down.....
2010-02-28 16:11:06 UTC
We are getting the same problem. We have 4 Playstation 3's in our house, 2 older (bigger) models, and 2 newer (slim), and only the bigger models are getting this error 8001050F. They have full internet access and have no other problems except logging into the PSN. Have tried wired and wireless on all units, and the error appears either way on only the bigger older units and not on the newer ones at all... FYI the older units are the bigger 80G ones.


We were just able to log our UserID from the Older playstation that was giving the error into the PSN using one of the newer Playstations so this is definately a problem with the older bigger models.

I have just logged all 4 Users we have into PSN on my newer slim playstation 3 that were not able to log in using the older units, so it is not our playstations OR accounts, it must be a server problem involving the firmware of the "Older" systems.

...still looking for answers...
2010-02-28 19:58:47 UTC
me too i try to connect i get that error and also when i try to play a single player campaign it says it cant get trophy info
2010-02-28 18:25:59 UTC
I'm just glad to find out that it's not just me, or a U.S. problem. Sony is looking into it now, thank goodness. I need my ps home, it's my crack and I need a fix real bad man.
2010-02-28 17:28:55 UTC
I bet this is sony's attempt to try and add a patch due to geohotz hacking into the ps3. Remember the Hack was only for the bigger models and it just happens to be that all the older big playstations are the ones with the problem.... ?????? However I due remember reading that the hack is hardware related so adding a patch/updating the firmware wouldn't make a difference... There must be something really wrong
2010-02-28 17:12:12 UTC
same here but didnt happen till i signed out and tryed to sign back in
2010-02-28 16:12:27 UTC
Same here man, it wont sign me in...


From Sony:

As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today. This problem affects the models other than the new slim PS3.

We believe we have identified that this problem is being caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system.

Errors include:

* The date of the PS3 system may be re-set to Jan 1, 2000.

* When the user tries to sign-in to the PlayStation Network, the following message appears on the screen; "An error has occurred. You have been signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)".

* When the user tries to launch a game, the following error message appears on the screen and the trophy data may disappear; "Failed to install trophies. Please exit your game."

* When the user tries to set the time and date of the system via the Internet, the following message appears on the screen; "The current date and time could not be obtained. (8001050F)"

* Users are not able to playback certain rental video downloaded from the PlayStation Store before the expiration date.

We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data.

As mentioned above, Please be advised that the new slim PS3 is not affected with this error. We are doing our best to resolve the issue and do apologize for any inconvenience caused.

For the latest status on this situation please check either the PlayStation blog ( or

One possible fix suggested by some gamers has been a manipulation of the console's battery. Seybold could not confirm to Kotaku that this works and said that opening the PS3's shell would void the machine's warranty.
2014-10-04 14:09:32 UTC
I was playing cod mw2 and then I stopped for a while then about an hour ago I tried to get on and play again but it will not sign in my PSN account. The internet still works and the game also works I just cant play online. The date on the ps3 is also messed up. It says its December 31 1999. I am pretty sure that is wrong. It looks like every is having the same problem. Hopefully it will be fixed soon!!!
2010-02-28 18:44:58 UTC
Sony PlayStation 3 owners in multiple regions (including North America, Europe, and Australia) are facing the inability to sign into the PlayStation Network online gaming service, corrupted user data and inability to play some games online or off. The problems are accompanied by the 8001050F error code.

Full Story
2010-02-28 18:02:38 UTC
I have had the same problem. I was playing cod mw2 and then I stopped for a while then about an hour ago I tried to get on and play again but it will not sign in my PSN account. The internet still works and the game also works I just cant play online. The date on the ps3 is also messed up. It says its December 31 1999. I am pretty sure that is wrong. It looks like every is having the same problem. Hopefully it will be fixed soon!!!
2010-02-28 16:52:29 UTC
wow. Im not the only one then. WOOT! Good thing I still have the reciept for this console. I have the fat version PS3. The newer one that doesnt do the backward compatibility thing. Guess I can get a new one. Got mine of Feb 2009. So I should be all good. Hopefully I dont have to trade mine in for the slim. I would hate to start over. I did notice that I was signed out like 2x last night. Didn't know it would lead to a big server crash. On top of that... the date said 12/31/99. Wow Y2k is like 10 years late for sony. Kinda funny and irritating. Really wanna play some Uncharted 2. Mulitplayer. Add me if ya want.

PSN: Yumejisama
2010-02-28 16:21:43 UTC
Yes, everyone gets it at the same time. It's probably something wrong with the PSN servers, they should get it fixed in a few hours or a day. It's the second time that it's happened to me. I called 3 of my friends just now and they said that they all couldn't connect and that an error "(8001050F)" is coming up. So yeah, don't worry it comes every now and then. Hope my answer helped :D
2010-02-28 21:05:38 UTC
All around the world, PlayStation 3 consoles simply aren't working like they're supposed to, with an error preventing people from not just going online, but from playing some PS3 games offline as well.

From Europe to the Americas to, well, my house in Australia, users (mostly of older "Fat" consoles, those released before 2009's "PS3 Slim") are complaining that upon booting their consoles up, they're unable to sign into their accounts, check their trophies, use dynamic themes or access the PlayStation Network. That's fine, Sony say there are PSN connection problems, and that they are "looking into it".

Problem is, the error does more than just prevent you from going online. It prevents you from playing certain games offline as well. Even for some consoles that aren't connected to the PSN, like debug units. The screen above is what I was greeted with on a retail console when attempting to play Heavy Rain, and pressing out of it simply reboots the PS3, returning you to the main menu screen. It's the same story for other games that feature dynamic trophy support.

Sony say "stay tuned" for updates on the problem. In turn, we've emailed Sony for comment and will update if we hear anything more.

While theories abound that this has something to do with the calendar on older PS3s (some users are reporting their date/time settings have been reset), bear in mind Sony has redesigned its PlayStation website over the weekend, so it could be the result of some tinkering under the hood for the PlayStation Network. Then again, if consoles not connected to the PSN are also affected, it could be something else. Who knows!

Whatever it is, though, you have to wonder at the design process that turns a network outage into something stopping you from playing an offline, singleplayer title.

UPDATE - Sony has updated on an update, saying "We're narrowing down the issue and continue to work to restore service to all. Updates as soon as we have them."

UPDATE 2 - A mass story-telling session on internet gaming forum NeoGAF points towards the issue potentially being related to a calendar bug in older PlayStation 3 consoles, not the PlayStation Network as was first suspected. Bear in mind this is mob science, however, and is by no means official confirmation on the cause of the problem.
2010-03-01 12:44:48 UTC
It is up to PSN to fix it. Every one who has the thicker version of the PS3 has that problem. if you have a slim version then you are safe. it is a Y2K bug, it sets the time back to January 1, 2000. the same problem happened with Zune from Microsoft, at the end of 2008. PSN says that they hope to fix this problem within 24 hours. But for now you should save all of your trophies to an external drive like a USB memory card.
2010-03-01 11:03:33 UTC
From Sony:

As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today. This problem affects the models other than the new slim PS3.

We believe we have identified that this problem is being caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system.

Errors include:

* The date of the PS3 system may be re-set to Jan 1, 2000.

* When the user tries to sign-in to the PlayStation Network, the following message appears on the screen; "An error has occurred. You have been signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)".

* When the user tries to launch a game, the following error message appears on the screen and the trophy data may disappear; "Failed to install trophies. Please exit your game."

* When the user tries to set the time and date of the system via the Internet, the following message appears on the screen; "The current date and time could not be obtained. (8001050F)"

* Users are not able to playback certain rental video downloaded from the PlayStation Store before the expiration date.

We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data.

As mentioned above, Please be advised that the new slim PS3 is not affected with this error. We are doing our best to resolve the issue and do apologize for any inconvenience caused.

For the latest status on this situation please check either the PlayStation blog ( or

One possible fix suggested by some gamers has been a manipulation of the console's battery. Seybold could not confirm to Kotaku that this works and said that opening the PS3's shell would void the machine's warranty.
2010-02-28 16:41:26 UTC
This is happening to PS3 users with the "fat" ps3s. I am one of them. I live in san diego and i have the 80gig and the 8001050f error code happened 30 minutes ago. It must be something in the software of the older consoles because the slims are able to connect. I think the programmers forgot that february has 28 days, and not 30 or 31 - and i think our consoles crashed somehow, kinda like a y2k bug. If you look at your dates in your ps3, it'll say 12/31/1999
Johnny D
2010-02-28 16:37:51 UTC
WOW I'm glad i'm not the only one..ALL of my PSN purchased games won't start (except wipeout HD, except now it's in some sorta trial mode...and i had the HD FURY expansion too) and i can't get onto PSN either. Any news yet ppl?

Oh, is everyone experiencing this problem using North American PS3's and are located inside the continental US? I'm in the caribbean, just wondering if it's a location issue...

EDIT: Has anyone noticed the time got reset to Dec 31 1999? Anyone tried changing the clock to 2010? Y2K all over again LOL

ANOTHER EDIT: Has the PSN been hacked? went online looking for the official ps3 site..this was the 2nd site google pulled up:

after waiting for it to load this message pops up:

"get flash and/or enable javascript and stop wasting my time."

2016-04-12 10:48:20 UTC
The Network everywhere is down and Sony doesn't even know what is going on. Sony has Tweeted the following, to quote: “We’re aware that many of you are having problems connecting to PSN, and yes, we’re looking into it. Stay tuned for updates.” Sony has also issued a second Tweet stating: “PSN status update: We’re narrowing down the issue and continue to work to restore service to all. Updates as soon as we have them.” This is currently happening to a LOT of people, and some are concerned their PlayStation 3 entertainment system is now bricked as a result!
2010-02-28 20:09:59 UTC
Yep I am getting the same damn message only I'm an idiot and read what the error codes meant and it said to restore the system and if it didn't work then send it back in to sony. So I restored my system and deleted everything, but the good news is it seems to be a networking issue with the 40gb models. I don't think Sony is trying to screw everyone into buying slim lines they're not that stupid. I just wish they'd hurry up and fix this ****.
Masked Nightmare
2010-02-28 18:05:31 UTC
I've been getting the same issue,

I played RE5 at 3:00 (Online),

then as of 7:00, it just messed up...

first I noticed that my themes got corrupted, then, got the 8001050F error...

I can't even play RE5, because the trophies don't sync...

I tried SF4, worked, but will not show DLC...

we can only hope that this can be fixed soon... so until then...

we'll have to do something else for now.
2010-02-28 17:23:59 UTC
As of this evening I get the 8001050F error on my "fat" model PS3 80 GB,date has reset to 2000/1/1. I use a standard ethernet cable so no wifi. Performed a power cycle and redetect network, no result. Seems like PSN is having her period.
2010-02-28 16:58:06 UTC
yeah I do. Tried resetting the router, the modem, the ps3, turned everything off and on. Nothing. Internet connection works (you can surf with the PS3). When you go on psn via Internet Explorer it also seems to be lagging. The funny thing is that I just changed a few things on my PSN so I thought I messed up .... not any of my login works anymore though, so the bug must be with PSN. They used to have this little gimmic on PSN which said whether PSN is on or not, but its not there anymore...

Anyone from out of the US who has the same experience ?
2010-02-28 16:41:24 UTC
Im getting the same 8001050f only psn isnt working. Sony is making us pay in the future for all who dont know but they wint make us pay to play online games such as Mw2.They will have much added things like cross game chat and such. Anyway I have the 60gig fat.seems to be happenong to the older ps3s.
2010-02-28 18:17:23 UTC
its the Y2K problem the ps3 server dont reconize 2010 our exatly date here is a example / Year 2010 problem

Some systems had problems once the year rolled over to 2010. This was dubbed by some in the media as the "Y2K+10" or "Y2.01k" problem [12].

The main source of problems was confusion between binary number encoding and Binary-coded decimal (BCD) encodings of numbers. Both binary and BCD encode the numbers 0-9 as 0x00 - 0x09. But BCD encodes the number 10 as 0x10, whereas binary encodes the number 10 as 0x0A; 0x10 interpreted as a binary encoding represents the number 16. For example, because the SMS protocol uses BCD for dates, some mobile phone software incorrectly reported dates of SMSes as 2016 instead of 2010.[citation needed]

Among the affected systems were EFTPOS terminals [13] and specific mobile phones[14]. Windows Mobile is the first reported software to get this glitch as it changes the sent date of any phone message sent after 1 January 2010 from the year "2010" to "2016"[15]. The most important such glitch occurred in Germany, where upwards of 20 million bank cards became unusable, and with Citibank Belgium, whose digipass customer identification chips stopped working[

its all numbers in your comp
2010-02-28 20:27:58 UTC
It has to be a Sony problem. Mine is not working either. I did a search on Twitter and I was on there for 5 minutes and there were over 100 new posts about the same error code.
2010-02-28 18:35:21 UTC
Dude i was playing COD classic an offline game and this message came up about the psn problem ...then i said ok well maybe its gunna take a few minutes to pull its self back 2 gether..... i inserted my Dynasty warriors 6 empires and it said reinstalling the trophy information, i got scared because im 3 trophies away from platinum, so i checked my trophy list and it was gone... i don't know whats happening maybe sony is under maintenance , that's what iv been seeing. im really pissed at sony because they expect us to pay for psn soon but if this is gunna happen often im not paying for this garbage service. i mean i love sony but ******* with someones trophies that's going a bit 2 far... and i hope its not permanent
2010-02-28 17:05:02 UTC
Hey I just got this error 20 minutes ago but I wasn't connected to the PSN network!!!!! I was about to play fifa 10 and BAM this error pops up, it's definitely not a network issue, it's some sort of firmware problem!!!! And its quite interesting that so many people got this error at the same time. Looks like there's some sort of glitch with the older models that they failed to deal with.
2010-02-28 16:59:49 UTC
I just called sony and on sunday nights apparantly there workers are off and you cant get through till tomorrow. My gf got my ps3 for me last christmas, the 80 gig model only a year and two months old. It was working fine yesterday until now if for some reason. If they (Sony) has us switch to the new gen (slim) one there will be hell to pay. 400 bucks was not spent so only, a year later I would spend another 300 more thats just insulting and a lawsuit waiting to happen. My guess Sony f$cked up with the leap year thing...Hopefully if guess is as good as any looks like we will find out tomorrow. Good luck and remember if they to screw threaten to suit....if they are offering to fix for free its crappy and inconvienant but its better than having to pay 300 bucks. DO NOT LET THEM MAKE YOU PAY FOR THE FIX or even the shipping fee. I love you sony but if this is your answer to customer service ill go to least they care even if you pay its your option for the network.
2010-02-28 16:48:16 UTC
I can't remember the time i got signed out, but it was a few hours ago i think. I ended up just turning it off as i wasn't going to continue anyway, just went to try it about an hour ago and got the error message! Have been looking around for the past hour trying to work out what was wrong and kept coming across messages from 2008 saying its one of the worst errors out there and you have to send it back!!!! I have just saved all my data to external harddrive just incase though. Glad it's not just me with the error. Living over in the UK with the original PS3.
2010-02-28 16:47:04 UTC
Yup, getting the same error. I'm in the UK, have a launch 60GB unit and getting error code 8001050F. Date reset to 1/1/2000 and my Force Unleashed trophies have disappeared.
2010-02-28 16:51:20 UTC
it concerns me that information supposedly stored on my Playstation harddrive is experiencing issues related to a network problem. that means that whatever is going on with PSN is also affecting individually saved information. not that i care, but i think a lot of people out there will be upset if they lose their trophies... at least thats the attitude i am getting here.

for the record, i installed Heavy Rain and the 1.01 update for it, and i received the 8001050F message; also when i attempted to simply sign onto the network i received that message.

give me my playstation back!
2010-02-28 16:32:53 UTC
Hey whoever posted about the 2000 date n time mine did the same! 1/1/2000! I'm thinking this crap happened because they did some update forgetting that Feb only has 28 days.

Who else is thinking that this will require a USB update.. Since the PSN is f'cked cant update that way
noctis invocat
2010-02-28 16:26:26 UTC
I just had the same problem, I was downloading the GOW3 demo and it stopped. It is a PSN problem and not a hardware problem cause I called a friend and is having the same error. I also checked my trophies on the PSN web site and is not working. So people "DO NOT PANIC", your PS3 are OK.
2010-03-01 07:34:52 UTC
i wish everyone would stop fn whinin, its a date time firmware glitch, no hackers, no big conspiracy, theyll have it fixed soon, so go outside and get some sun on that pale skin of yours, and all you xbox lovers can go to hell cuz sony is still better, psn is free, this is the only prob ive had thru 4 years of ps3 ownership and xbox cant even play blu ray, so f off fanboys. and if you just refuse to do something else reset your date in system settings and your netflix streaming disc will play again.
2015-05-02 15:49:54 UTC
I have just logged all 4 Users we have into PSN on my newer slim playstation 3 that were not able to log in using the older units, so it is not our playstations OR accounts, it must be a server problem involving the firmware of the "Older" systems.
2010-02-28 21:04:01 UTC
It'll be okay everybody, this has happened before. It has to do with Feb 28th and Feb 29th. The firmware programming for a leap year in the fat PS3s was always messed up, and it cant recognize the difference. Thus erroring, it'll be fine eventually.
2010-02-28 17:15:47 UTC
I played MLB 09 the show 5 hours ago, just started the game and the screen went black and gave me the same error. I can't connect to psn either. Heavy Rain will not work either.
2010-02-28 16:42:24 UTC
Yep, definitely Sony's bad, your ps3 works just fine as well as mine and everyone else who is having this problem. From what I've heard, it does appear like Sony is trying to exterminate the older skus to force people to spend money on a new one, I hope I am dead wrong because I do not like how the newer ones look.
Slo Mo
2010-02-28 16:30:45 UTC
I am getting the same error browser works fine but unable to sign into PSN, sync trophies or sign into PS Home. Sony messed up,
2010-02-28 16:20:58 UTC
Why does the PSN have to be active in order for me to Play heavy Rain? I could care less about trophies. I just want to be able to play for a while before the kids come back. Starting to get a little frustrated.
2010-02-28 17:16:33 UTC
Wow. Glad to see that it's not just my connection. I started getting the error code about 2 hours ago and I have tried restarting the connection about 20 times with no luck until I found this.
2010-02-28 17:05:01 UTC
I'm getting this as well, launch 60GB PS3 (with upgraded hard drive).

Date shows as 31/12, and a lot of my themse are showing as corrupted data.

My trophies appears to be OK, all of them inc. Dante's Inferno show what I've earned so far.

All my other data appears to be OK so I've deleted the corrupt themes. The PS3 was OK earlier tonight so it must be related to the rollover into 1st March.

Sony had better get this sorted or they'll have lots of very unhappy customers on their backs.
2010-02-28 17:04:14 UTC
Wow! This is a really big problem. I'm from Guam in the Pacific Islands and I was starting to think it was my PS3. Damn date is 12-31-1999. Is it the end of the world or just our ps3s.

I hope they fix it soon also have a 80 gig Fatty Phat Fat. And I was playing tekken 6 and Dantes Inferno. Playstation Please Hurry.
2010-02-28 18:09:25 UTC
I am getting the same error message, But when i check my trophies the only one what is missing is the modern warfare 2 trophy collection was playing the game at the time, So i checked my trophy collection on one of my other accounts and its all there, I hope my data is not corrupted with my usual account as modern warfare 2 trophy collection is nearly complete.
2010-02-28 17:21:42 UTC
What is really pissing me off about this whole situation is that all my downloaded content says corrupted data! As far as themes, wallpapers and everything. I cant play a single game except a trial version which sucks! Anyone got any clue on whats going on or when this will be fixed. Hopefully within an hour or so!!!!
irritated american
2010-02-28 20:34:00 UTC
it is a sony issue. i thought their only issue was their car audio stuff. but i was way wrong. if u log on the internet via ps2 on the thick models, then click on their blog and then update, they even said that the new "slim" models r not having problems. i already knew that. i know many people who have ps3 slim and the fat ones. all slims r able to get on just fine. the fat ones, which i have an orig 80g backwards compatable, r not working. i am going to bed early because of this psn crap. i havent been to bed early in months. so thanks ps for ruining my late nite. lol
2010-02-28 17:19:17 UTC
I was watching a movie on Netflix, got out of that and signed in only to find this error. This makes me feel better. I hope it's just Sony having problems.
2010-02-28 16:49:49 UTC
I keep getting this message, as well. I was on PSN earlier, around 6:30PM (Eastern Time) and then cut the PS3 off to go get some food, came back at 7:00PM and haven't been able to get on since. My friend said he's able to get on, though. (We both have the bigger model PS3s), so I have no idea what's going on, but I'm glad it's not just me.
2010-02-28 16:38:55 UTC
cant contact sony till 8am in the morning, damn them for not having a 24 hour call line, they suck! but it managed to disconnect me from the lot as it went down, although i don't think that mw2 agrees with the ps3 sometimes, i mean it is quite annoying, and a few days ago i was having different error messages when trying to connect to the ps3 network, well i guess all we can do is wait for them to post something, and if every fat playstation is down then it ain't gonna be pretty for them, cos they are gonna have to foot the repair bills update*
2010-02-28 21:27:02 UTC
My husband's PS3 keeps getting the same error. The funny thing is, his ps3 was not connected to the internet when it started. In fact it's been at least a week since he connected it to the internet.
2010-02-28 17:55:16 UTC
i was about 2 play modern warfare 2 and it wont let me because psn wont log me in and my trophy's wont load and i even reformatted my system too but i backed up my saves first though and i did some research and only the older ps3s r having this problem

2010-02-28 16:57:08 UTC
Well I'm glad I found this.

I'm getting this error too and came to look up the error code. Come to find out a bunch of people are seeing it too.

I have one of the PS3s before the PS3 slim.

Hope they "fix" it soon!!
2010-02-28 16:34:06 UTC
Same here! My fat/old PS3 (60G model) can't sign on to PSN but I can still surf. My flatmates new slim 250G has no problem! This better not be Sony's sneaky way of making the old PS3 defunct and get us to buy new ones (I wouldn/t put it past them!)
victor r
2010-02-28 17:07:06 UTC
i tried playing modern warfare 2 but it wont play saying it cant load the trophies PSN error 8001050F when i look at my trophies list the modern warfare 2 trophy list is gone noooooooooooooooooooooooooo. i was three trophies away from a platinum. i hope its not permanent. damn u sony.
2010-02-28 16:41:59 UTC
Same here. I decided to watch a blu-ray movie. My psn gives me an error that says it is an invalid disc. I look it up and it says that I need to update my ps3 to get all of the blu-ray copy protection codes.
2010-02-28 16:47:08 UTC
Ok all, well I have 2 playstations, ones the old model 80GB and I had gotten a new slim one thats 250GB. I tried logging on to the old one to play MW2 with my wife and it wouldnt let me log on. gave me same error as you all. But heres the funny thing.... My new playstation (slim 250GB) signs in fine. kinda messed i know so i went to old ps3 settings and restored them to default to try and fix issue but nothing worked, even reset my router and cable box to see if old ps3 was having issue obtaining ip or something. nothing worked. so point of this message was to let you all know that the newer ps3 work but older ones seem to have issues, maybe playstation network is working on it? if any of you have issue even with the new ps3 mess me so i can try help figure this out. later peeps - I2Fast2FuriousI <----------look me up on game some time. ("I"<-----those are capitol (eyes, i , I ) not ells.
Me Ted
2010-02-28 16:29:41 UTC
The good news is that it's happening to so many people so it can't be our ps3s. The bad news is that not only is it annoying BUT it won't let me play offline games either. I figured now us a good time to play some special ops in MW2 but it says it can't find trophies and quits the game. I even tried to disable the Internet settings and it still won't let me play offline.
2010-03-01 10:45:12 UTC
Hey there that's right incidentally this error is being faced by millions recently and no common man knows how to solve it.

Definitely Sony will take its time to awake from its sleep,have some tea,biscuits and then it will look into the matter. BUT..........
2010-02-28 18:21:53 UTC
My ps3 is down too but this seems to happen once a month or so when im about to get an update so dont worry there probably going to bring an update soon.
2010-03-02 08:18:12 UTC
“I've stuck with Sony through the years, but ... this failure by Sony pushed me from thinking to doing,” a user named Jumping Ship posted to's Tech blog. “Sony lost a customer. You have to think there are more people out there doing or contemplating the same thing.”

“I find it completely unacceptable they allowed most of their customer base to endure this outage. Sony waited this out rather than take action to resolve the issue,” wrote Jamesg, another reader. “I believe Sony was aware this would be a problem and had a plan of not addressing it. Sony should be held accountable for allowing a known defect to manifest itself in a 24-hour outage for millions of their loyal customers.”
2010-02-28 21:36:18 UTC
i am having the same problem.. i can still connect to the internet through the ps3 but not psn so i did some searching and this is what i got

it is sony everyone is having the problem and they say their working on they say
2010-02-28 17:00:11 UTC
im having the same problems, i feel a bit better knowing its not just me. Plus i got my older PS3 fixed a while back. Then i had my brother and law whos a IT guy help me out, i unpluged everything then pluged it all back in, in order and still nothing. I guess ill have to wait it out till monday or whatever to see what happens.And my date on mine is all messed up to. HMMMMMMMMMM
2010-02-28 16:09:44 UTC
You may have a point, it seems like everybody is having problems getting onto psn mine started about 20 minutes ago.
2010-02-28 21:25:14 UTC
Its 5 hours later and i still cant log anyone else able to get on? I tried changing the date to 2/25/2009, still the same results
2010-02-28 17:30:30 UTC
I am down too with the 8001050F error. Sony knows about it.
2010-02-28 16:29:59 UTC
Thank God that im not the only one, ive got the older model an im getting the same error, wont even let my play MW2 something about the trophies
2010-03-01 13:13:49 UTC
So what if the problem is not solved i mean i just bought my (thick) ps3 7 months ago and the warranty was only a6 month are we just out of a ps3, cuz i cant play games sign in or anything.
2010-02-28 19:04:18 UTC
I don't know what's going on with everyone's, but mine is fine. I've been playing MLB 09 the show for 3 hours and when I heard about this i shut it down and logged back in still fine. I have no clue.
2010-02-28 18:50:40 UTC
Ok im getting the same thing and it is either sony updating all the networks, or the network crashed so just wait it out you will all get back on eventually.
Tony M
2010-02-28 17:55:09 UTC
Yep happen to me about 2 hours ago. the funny thing is i was trying to hack modern warfare 2 to 10th prestige and thought i ****** something up, then i found this lol i am starting to fear that sony is about to make psn cost money like xbox live... please no
G Mix
2010-02-28 17:01:15 UTC
Same here man just bumped me off at 7:30 exactly i was hoping one of yall had an answer..i'll check the psn site..
2010-02-28 16:24:18 UTC
same here, my brothers ps3 was working about 15 minutes ago, i told him to sign out to see if he gets the same problem as mines and same goes with that 8001050F code. kicks me out of CODMW2
2010-02-28 16:21:54 UTC
same problem. i put in mw2 after not playing in a while and it installed an update, then while booting the game it said something about not being able to sync my trophy information. ive tried logging in several times and its not working. and my mw2 trophies are gone! i was 89 percent. im gonna be pissed if this is'nt psn and its not up soon.
2010-03-01 01:54:52 UTC
Perhaps, but I don't know. This happened to my Play station and I didn't get an update. I think its because of the systems time settings and the leap year.
2010-02-28 19:24:40 UTC
Well mines not working neither so i am happy to hear everybody else went down so i am not alone in this but on the negative im mad *** hell i cant play Modern Warfare 2 after i just went and bought it :@
2010-02-28 16:59:43 UTC
DONT SEND PS3 IN. costs 300$ it is a sony bug beleive me i sent mine in. the newer Skinne ps3 are more anti to it but older models have no protection...Vote for me
2010-02-28 16:47:27 UTC
GUYS just tried mgs4 and it works like a charm it seems it all has to do with the trophies.

Try games you own that don't have trophies.....

I believe any recently released game or to-be released game's new trophies implemented might of caused the error.
2010-02-28 16:25:39 UTC
Same thing here MW2 will not load even if I unplug it from internet Dragon Rising works fine but no PSN what is going on?
The answer is 42.
2010-02-28 16:20:13 UTC
Same thing happening over here. I also noticed the time on my ps3 change to the year 1999 - Y2K bug anyone?
2010-02-28 20:45:22 UTC
This is sony's plot to get everybody to fork out more money for slim ps3s
2010-02-28 19:24:02 UTC
I talked with someone who works at Sony and apparently they are going to have it fixed soon. (I've waited and heard that for 3 hours now) I am beginning to get very annoyed. I'm in Alabama.
2010-02-28 16:44:28 UTC
I am in Colorado, same problem with my 80 GB fatty. This sucks. Thinkin about switching to a 360.
The Fog
2010-02-28 16:32:50 UTC
Just got this too 30 mins ago. My guess : some leap year issue? My date got reset to 12/31/99.
2010-02-28 16:12:10 UTC
We are having the same issue within the last few minutes also....glad i stumbled across this because i thought our ps3 had taken a dump!! Is there a solution to this?
2010-02-28 18:18:54 UTC
We just tried to log on again and we are still getting the same error message. Is anyone able to sign in yet?
2010-02-28 16:43:46 UTC
It's not the update, on my fat PS3 the software is version 3.15, and then I went and looked on the official Sony website, and it says that the newest software for all PS3s is 3.15. I hope they fix this soon.
Craig H
2010-02-28 16:15:41 UTC
Same here. Looks like an error across the network. Guess i'll have to wait for it to clear before I can start killing noobs on Modern Warfare 2 :(
2010-02-28 21:17:40 UTC
its a date error, change the date to febuary 28th 2009, it fixed mine.

something went wrong, if you noticed the date reset to 1/1/2000 at 12:00:00
Scotty B
2010-02-28 18:19:53 UTC
damn i wish i would have found this page sooner i called the sony line and proceeded to RESTORE MY PS3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (gasp) like the damn automated lady said!!! and now i find out that its just sonys screw up what about all the money ive spent on map packs for cod uncharted 2 content the whole game of PAIN plus the characters damn all the hours of grinding on dragons age gone!!!! grrrrr good job sony!!!!!
2010-02-28 16:41:43 UTC
Same here, fat one, back to 2000 bug, craps.

Has anybody found some serious clue from Sony officials, because we might like some enlightenment.
2010-02-28 16:39:44 UTC
Since the date has been reset, and today is the last day of Feb. Probably has something to do with leap year, even though it isn't until 2012!
2010-02-28 16:31:03 UTC
It's down. After a long day I just wanted to shoot some people in the head.

Now I guess I'll have to read a book or something.
2010-02-28 16:15:07 UTC
Same message here. I was worried too just a just bought a new laser assembly yesterday and thought something else went wrong with my ps3.
2010-02-28 17:25:17 UTC
Any exact time from any Sony Employees reading this? Mine went down (80gb FAT version), just been playing mw2 split screen, date reset to 1/1 not sure of the year, anyone with more info as to time of fixing please post!!
2010-02-28 17:19:36 UTC
Yea this is complete gayness seriously, get it fixed Sony, I'd rather pay $50.00 a year for Live just so I didn't have to deal with this.
H Kast
2010-02-28 16:18:24 UTC
I got it 10 min ago...can't play FIFA 10 because of the trophy registration thing. Do you think it will work later or it's a way to makes us buy the new one?
2010-03-03 06:04:29 UTC
Apparantly it was because of an error on their part by not taking into account the leap year
2010-02-28 19:50:44 UTC
Supposedly Sony has twittered that the whole Canadian and US Network servers are down and generating errors. They are "looking into it" atm.
2010-02-28 19:50:30 UTC
If the servers were down then WHY isn't ALL the playstations doing the same thing???Fat or Slim, its all the same network.Im in the process of Restoring my playstation...(GRRRR) Im going to be extremely mad if I lost everything for nothing....
2010-02-28 18:29:02 UTC
I'm getting that message too. It has to been Sony. I was about the restore my PS3 too
2010-02-28 17:19:21 UTC
Ok I think sony needs to give everyone new PS3's those bastards i cant play ******* Little Big Planet with my friends >:(
2010-02-28 16:47:11 UTC
gmt+0/1/2 hit the first march.

seems to be a nice bug in the software!
2010-02-28 16:19:26 UTC
Both of my ps3s (fat ones) went down around 40 mins ago. Hope this is just a server malfunction.
2010-03-01 13:06:15 UTC
Everyone that does not own a PS3 Slim. Here is some information that could help :
2010-02-28 20:45:50 UTC
My husband's "old" PS3 is doing the same thing. All of a sudden the PSN stopped working.

Does anyone have a phone number that we can call to???? Thanks.
2010-02-28 16:52:27 UTC
i just got off with sony the psn is down for repairs should be up soon
USA Medik
2010-02-28 16:19:09 UTC
I'm getting the same thing. Plus, I can't load my DLC on Borderlands it says that I haven't installed any of it. Sony you better not have screwed me over!
Shock D
2010-02-28 18:09:45 UTC
Im pist. I wanna play me some Dragon Age: Origins
2010-02-28 17:25:17 UTC
Same thing as everyone else can browse internet, can't play Dragons Age says trophy info can't be configured so it boots me off. Can't go to playstation store or anything.
2010-02-28 16:49:29 UTC
Just got that message too thought it was my playstation but hopefully sony will fix this soon i need to play mag
2010-02-28 20:59:57 UTC
pretty sure if this has anything to do with sony wanting us to buy the slim ps3....then im gonna buy an xbox and tell everyone how much ps3 sucks....
2010-02-28 16:59:50 UTC
I thought my ps3 died i already had to fix a dead blu ray player now this im glad to see im not the only one having this problem. PSN NATHANKILLS
2010-02-28 16:25:30 UTC
It's a problem with the old 'fat' models. I have just asked two of my friends with slims, and there PS3's are fine. And I'm in the UK.
2010-02-28 17:24:43 UTC
Good...thought I was the only 1 having problems
2010-02-28 17:18:30 UTC
I have the same problem here in California. This sucks. I hope they fix this soon, im not in a Wii mood today.
2010-02-28 17:01:11 UTC
huh i got the same error code on my 80 gig, psn must be screwed up
2010-02-28 16:30:56 UTC
i was boosting in mw2 with a friend and he told me to go onto another acc so i wont ruin my k/d and when i did it said u have been signed out of psn (8001050f) and so i click sign in and it says the exact same thing so yaa... idk
2010-02-28 16:15:02 UTC
I' m getting it, but my all my recent Demon's Souls trophies aren't showing up on my PS3 or online. They just disappeared. They better come back.
2010-02-28 22:18:08 UTC
Seems like a leap year issue to me..Same problem seemed to have happened exactly one year ago on Feb 28th....I bet thats where the problem is.
2010-02-28 17:22:20 UTC
This sucks total donkey nads..........this better not be a damn service issue, I've sent the 60gb in 2x already, but Irefuse to give up my backwards compatibility, nfl 2k5 owns all.....
2010-02-28 16:37:17 UTC
Wow this is crazy! I just had my friend sign me on to his PS3 and it was working and logged on to PSN but yeah I got fat 60gb and his is newer, this really sucks that I can't log on...
2010-02-28 16:28:12 UTC
Yeah. I tried telling my brother the server was just down, but he didn't believe me until I showed his this. Darn kid was trying to play his MW2 game and he was getting this error when it was trying to connect.
2010-02-28 16:19:30 UTC
mines messed up 2
King A
2010-02-28 17:25:23 UTC
I got the same error and whatever it is sony will have to respond for it.

but what I think they are trying to do is to ask people to start paying for playing online.
2010-02-28 17:04:50 UTC
Go into "Network Settings" and turn Media Streaming off.
2010-02-28 16:43:10 UTC
yh same happing here cant logon cant play any games it says trophy regestraion is not verfied i think not sure . but it wont let you play da game . im sure its a psn network problem once it happned with me 1 year ago but i could play games ..
2010-02-28 16:29:48 UTC
Yes. I've been having this issue for 2 days. Arrgghh!
Kev G
2010-02-28 18:08:26 UTC
yup i started having this problem an hour and a half ago. have been playing heavy rain up till four hours ago, no issues then.
2010-02-28 17:38:13 UTC
PROBLEM SOLVED here are the steps:

1.throw ps3 in air

2.wind up

3.perform a falcon punch with the correct wording and you will be satisfied with results
2010-02-28 16:19:31 UTC
Sane thing happened t to me

I was trying to get on MW2 but it says can't load trophy list
2010-02-28 19:35:30 UTC
i want to play my pes2010 and it happend to me and all trophy are gone

i just play on offline mode not use the psn

this is the error:8001050F

registration of the trophy information could not be completed

it same happend to killzone2
2010-02-28 17:12:24 UTC
oh my god i am so happy i came across this i was this close to throwing my PS3 out the window ... lol...and every time i called sony help they were busy this almost sucked.
Kerriann M
2010-02-28 16:21:01 UTC
must be psn, i'm having the same problem at this moment. psn sucks... i'm close to getting an xbox just so I don't have to deal with this ****
2010-03-01 11:15:54 UTC

Its only happening to Fatty PS3

i have a Slim PS3 and its fine WOOOOO
2010-02-28 17:20:30 UTC
it happened 2 me too and my date changed to 31/12/1999
2010-02-28 16:28:37 UTC
Thank god its not just me, i was getting freaked out cuz of this post im hoping its just the PSN.
Rangers are #1
2010-02-28 16:18:28 UTC
AWESOME! I have never been so psyched to hear someone elses equipment was f*cked up! LOL has to be a Sony thing! I was fearing the worse!
2010-02-28 21:33:21 UTC
Mine is working. WWE 2010 and MW2 and Fifa. Rebooted just to be sure.
2010-02-28 17:21:24 UTC
Team Swat

Mine too

Time to Play my xbox360

Dj atl.
g nub
2010-02-28 16:46:32 UTC
me too my 60gb cant sign in or read my trophies and the date changed to 12/31/99
2010-02-28 16:46:22 UTC
this is really really ******* annoying. I cant start demons souls or log into psn. I have the old fat ps3.
jeff w
2010-02-28 16:30:09 UTC
think it is just fat ones. I have old fat one and it won't work. Two of my friends have new slim model and it works fine... Anyone call Sony to see what the deal is???
2010-02-28 16:14:48 UTC
I was freaking out and thinking that it was my router but the internetis perfectly fine... PSN can't log in..everything else is fine...

psn: ShortyKillz
2010-02-28 17:26:08 UTC
My ps3's web browser is fine, but psn won't respond.
2010-02-28 16:32:50 UTC
I have the same problem as well..So I take it that this is a server problem not the ps3 itself?
2010-02-28 19:57:03 UTC
The PSN is messed up.
2010-02-28 16:37:59 UTC
Same to me, italy, 1:36 am, same error, 40gb model

hope it works soon!

2010-02-28 16:26:55 UTC
i was just playing MAG and everything ran fine, but as soon as I logged off and put in my Netflix disc, I got the error.
2010-02-28 16:18:22 UTC
Yea i have the same problem do u think it will pass cause im kind of annoyed
2010-02-28 19:52:33 UTC
yea im getting the error too

i was so scared my PS3 crashed or something
2010-02-28 16:15:56 UTC
Thank Jesus its not just me..... Ive been trying to fix it for like half an hour now
2010-02-28 17:46:31 UTC
yeah. I tried to play offline and it quit the game because it couldn't get the trophies or something
Diao Chan
2010-02-28 17:23:11 UTC
Everyone stay calm no need to panic. PNS will be back soon, they tried to add some features or updating games or other stuff. they'll be back soon.
2010-02-28 16:49:02 UTC
So this has nothing to do with my ps3 in paricular? thats a relief but still somebullshit
2010-02-28 16:43:22 UTC
has anyone called playstation im getting same message but my brother has one in the same house and is working fine his is a big one but newer version.
2010-02-28 16:32:59 UTC
Yo this sucks I am having the same problem
2010-02-28 16:14:18 UTC
I have the same exact error right now.
2010-02-28 16:10:54 UTC
Mine is off as well. It wont even let me play on Heavy Rain!! I'm on the last level!! Godamn you sony!
2010-02-28 19:39:54 UTC
Mine is jacked up also i hope i dont have to reformat the whole system booo sony!!!!
2010-02-28 17:15:00 UTC
Yeah here in Ireland too
2010-02-28 17:13:14 UTC
2010-02-28 18:07:44 UTC
i turned on my ps3 to play re5 as well and i freaked out b/c i thought everything was like corrupted lol
Joey s.
2010-02-28 17:43:06 UTC
i went to this site:

called the appropriate number. the automated message said the network was down for maint. and will be back shortly.
Dylan L
2010-02-28 17:16:38 UTC
i have the 80GB and the same error starting @ around 7 ET...the date is right on it tho
2010-02-28 16:03:28 UTC
My psn isnt working
2010-02-28 21:14:57 UTC
chill out people. wow! you're acting like the world is coming to an end.
2010-02-28 16:55:14 UTC
My 60GB launch model gets the same thing.

from Idaho
j man7
2010-02-28 19:15:08 UTC
ok i just got cod mod 2 today and after 1 online game it started doing this and it is tickin me do i fix it
lady me
2010-02-28 16:16:28 UTC
wierd..I was googling on solutions and came across this hubbys isnt working either and hes trying to play dantes inferno
2010-02-28 16:50:55 UTC
Same to me in Germany.
2010-02-28 16:42:16 UTC
i just got this and i don't get why. maybe its cause i use a different sign-in address than the 1 i use to sign in to PS underground.
2010-03-01 14:30:22 UTC
mine to.... everytime i try and call ps3 some guy comes on and says im sorry but we cannot take your call right now and i cant go online or play my game it started last night for me wth is goin on????
2010-02-28 17:29:16 UTC

Looks like they're calling it a 60 minute downtime for maintenance, although it's clearly been longer than 60 minutes already.
2010-02-28 17:23:45 UTC
Sony is aware now.
2010-02-28 17:12:32 UTC
Does anyone have any news as to why the servers are down?
2010-02-28 16:44:38 UTC
i even tried to reset the dates and times manually and that dont work,,,,oh how i wish it was still 1999 like it said it was
2010-02-28 16:57:36 UTC
I reset time and date manually and now mine is working. 40gb from eastern USA
2010-02-28 16:57:07 UTC
this is gay from allaine and ariel romero. i cannot get on psn its starting too be rtarted too many erro messages. i cannot logon to psn!! wtf wen will they fix this i love cod what will i do without it !! my friend ariel is fine because he has a bedtime but i am mostly playing cod lplese help! we all have this!!
Demon of Death
2010-02-28 16:10:04 UTC
I suppose so my psn isnt working either
2010-02-28 17:16:29 UTC
happened to me also. I downloaded Warhawk. I thought that might have been the problem.
2010-03-02 06:06:06 UTC
Yep..phat user
2010-02-28 19:39:24 UTC
its so stupid i just got home and i wanted to play but this stupid error comes up!!!!!!!! and my cousins are playing and they don't have a problem and they have a 80g like me and there the fat ones
2010-02-28 16:39:40 UTC
phew and I thought I was screwed cause i have lost my recipt for my ps3 so I can't send it in
2010-02-28 20:32:09 UTC
same problem here...i can smell PSN subscription coming
2010-02-28 18:46:10 UTC
grrr shoulda just traded my fat ps3 for the slim, damn sony what do you have against fat things
2010-02-28 16:35:14 UTC
same with me and apparently alot of people with the fat ps3's
2010-02-28 16:19:48 UTC
me too cart get conected to psn ,i have the 40gb model
2010-02-28 16:28:04 UTC
got a 80 g fat one and same thing as all you are saying
2010-02-28 17:02:49 UTC
I guess so. This is happening to my PS3. D:
What the...?
2010-02-28 16:26:57 UTC
Same here... should have got a 360; at least microsoft doesnt have server problems!
2010-02-28 19:25:59 UTC
Yep-same thing in Carolina...funny that this has caused all of you to join answers. Welcome.

@Anthony P: MeEE toooo... I think we are all getting the shakes lol
2010-02-28 16:38:56 UTC
yea im getting the same response??? All my throphys got deleted as well???? any idea what is going on....
Prince K
2010-02-28 16:30:41 UTC
Im getting this error too!!
2010-02-28 22:18:46 UTC
2010-02-28 19:22:06 UTC
yea i cant even log into my account at i would say its not the ps3 at all
2010-02-28 18:24:31 UTC
wtf i have the same problem is it a problem with the original ps3 hell naw $500 dollars down the drain i gt my lyk about 2 maybe 3 yrs ago
2010-02-28 18:22:05 UTC this put my mind at ease a response sony staff member .hope this helps
2010-02-28 16:54:41 UTC
2010-02-28 17:18:27 UTC
Ya same thing here i was so pissed im glad im not alone

Do we have to get new ps3ss??????
Bobble Head
2010-02-28 16:09:39 UTC
dude same thing happend to me. my fifa10 rejects me and keeps on saying how it cant read trophy info.
2010-03-01 15:56:37 UTC
2 of my friends r working now im still not any ideas
2010-02-28 17:58:32 UTC
hmmmmmmmmmmm....................any news yet folks im startin to get the shakes, im not good with rattlin over here sony give me my ps3 bk now lol
2010-02-28 16:28:39 UTC
im in phx az and this is happening to me rite now too
2010-02-28 16:22:06 UTC
Thank god it's not just me. Anyone have a fix yet?
2010-02-28 16:21:32 UTC
Pheewww, at least I'm not the only one...does anyone know what's wrong though? My friend is playing right now, and he say's there's a bunch of ppl online. Why me?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or why us?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-03-01 08:09:40 UTC
Trey D
2010-02-28 20:37:59 UTC
this **** is ****** up i got it about 40 min ago and i cant even play nazi zombies or heavy rain mother *******
2010-02-28 16:22:23 UTC
cant get on PSN.... What will i do without COD????... not sure if it's my PS3 or everyone's
2010-02-28 17:40:37 UTC
mines workin fine, screw you guys. just kidding, its happening to everyone. they are working on the problem
2010-02-28 16:56:53 UTC
2010-02-28 16:45:03 UTC
dang......same happenened to me.......supposedly its a hardware error and u need to send it back to Sony to get. fixed......but so many ppl.....wot???? could it be a virus???OMFG MW2!!!
2010-02-28 21:29:16 UTC
nah. worst thing is i cant play offline and see any of my mw2 trophies
2010-02-28 19:37:56 UTC
Same problem with the fat one (That's what she said)
2010-02-28 17:37:50 UTC
i got it to cant do anything its lettting me playy maddeen play now thats it
2010-02-28 17:20:05 UTC
Same Sh**t happened to me. Hope they fix it soon.
2010-02-28 16:50:30 UTC
I got it too, but don't worry, it'll be back on in no time.
2010-02-28 16:16:30 UTC
i am having the same problem
2010-03-01 15:26:43 UTC
Google it.
2010-02-28 17:40:22 UTC
how much longer :( im stoned, i just wana play fifa

its probs due to it being the 28th into the 1st - no 29th i dunno maybe something like that? cause my dates gone to 1/1 aswell?
2010-02-28 16:36:48 UTC
is there a way to roll back one update?
Kev S
2010-02-28 18:54:42 UTC
yea tried signing in but wont let me.. arrrrghhh!!!

Edit: Its working now
2010-02-28 18:35:02 UTC
yeah it's happening to every one. i guess free isn't always the best.
2010-02-28 20:08:37 UTC
modest_knight is still playing rsv1 and he is stright up killing it! Once you get back online hell kill you too!!
2010-02-28 16:42:24 UTC
yeah, same here, hopefully this cant be a coincidence
2010-03-01 18:11:48 UTC
Yeah they fixed it. i can get online and play games. good job sony.:)
2010-02-28 16:17:53 UTC
yah im getting it now too first i ever had
Greg U
2010-02-28 16:17:27 UTC
this also happened to me someone try and fix it
2010-02-28 17:26:29 UTC
It's Y2PS3!
2010-02-28 17:02:53 UTC
2010-02-28 16:09:45 UTC
yea i heard alot of people are so am i
2010-02-28 16:31:06 UTC
same thing happned to me...I am in the UK
2010-02-28 17:17:42 UTC
wtf is this bull I got it, my ps3 is displaying 31/12 as the date and i cant even play downloaded games
2010-02-28 16:48:09 UTC
same thing here when you think well be fixed???
2010-02-28 20:09:01 UTC
errors suck ***, anyone know when i can kill on killzone2 again
Daniel D
2010-02-28 16:23:25 UTC
thank god its not just mine, i was getting worried
2010-02-28 20:29:24 UTC
WTF stop whining everyone I got it we r all have same problem now is ANYONE out there can help ??????

Yea and I have a same problem lol !!!!!!
2010-02-28 16:07:40 UTC
lets hope thats what it means... lol :(
2010-02-28 17:43:11 UTC
same problem here (bedford,In)
2010-02-28 16:49:10 UTC
This is so lame.
2010-02-28 17:06:44 UTC
i got the same ****~!
2010-02-28 20:06:05 UTC
Oh my COCK thank God it wasnt just me! Thanks for notification dude
2010-02-28 18:29:57 UTC
still nothing
2010-03-04 09:01:13 UTC
hope not
2010-02-28 17:13:30 UTC
2010-02-28 16:13:42 UTC
so am i this sucks balls
2010-02-28 16:29:31 UTC
IT ISNT WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT WONT SIGN ME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-02-28 16:31:51 UTC
2010-02-28 21:04:17 UTC
this is **** total **** well there **P**I**S**S**E**D** **O**F**F** i want to play MW2
Alex B
2010-02-28 16:44:51 UTC
Yea idk WTF is going on but I wanna play some modern warfare 2 badly right now
2010-02-28 16:24:53 UTC
YESH wtf i just got that now i cant SIgn in
2010-03-01 15:46:18 UTC
THEY FIXED IT!! (:(:(:(:(:(:(:
exploding monkys
2010-02-28 16:32:48 UTC
neither is mine wtf

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.