So, I just spent 20 mins typing a long detailed response about the sad results of my investigation when safari crashes on me (Curse my iPhone, and my of's leaking watercooling pump for making me use it), but to sum it up, the paypal logo on the site is a fake, PP hosts all their logos so they can update them universally, and this image is an older one. Unlike the real ones, it also doesn't link to PP's site, and since they require you to use their code in order to use their logo, that just isn't right. Same goes for the Visa/MC logos, especially the MC one, which is horribly pixelated. Also, a quick whois search revealed that, besides only being registered on nov 6th, the company seems to consist of one person, a Nancy Tully out of Calgary. Even the company email address is nancytully@YAHOO.COM (not even Add to that the mid-90's prefab site design, the straight out of the Ad product descriptions, and the fact that Consoles like the PS3 are almost always sold at a loss by the manufacturer, so profit margins are razor-thin even without the magic discount price, and you have yourself what is either a crazy series of coincidences (think getting hit by lightning in an underground bunker), or a quasi-decent attempt at a phishing site (actually, a pretty mediocre one). Finally, what sort of name is qbelam anyway? I only found it through a redirect-ad on amazon, who's URL sounded far more, well, like an actual site name. Bah, and I really wanted that netbook for $130 below market too:/ Oh, and what was up with a Canadian site not listing prices in $CD anywhere lol