Please help! What should I get?
2008-03-20 13:12:15 UTC
Should I get a PlayStation 3 or a 360?

Here are my reasons:

I want something that has very excellent graphics with good sound.
The reason I might get a PS3 is because of it's easire gameplay such as Assassins Creed, because Assassins Creed is way better on PS3 than the 360. And also PS3 only games such as Uncharted Drakes Fortune and resistance fall of man.

The reasons I might get a 360 is because of it's 360 only games such as gears of war.

Also I want something that not a bit too old. And I actually want something that wont cause a lot of fuss such as causing bugs, heating up and sorting out lots of wires and making lots of subscriptions. And I want something that has graphics as beautiful as heaven!

So what should I get? Play$tation 3 or 360?
Nine answers:
Tofu Man
2008-03-20 22:26:19 UTC
You should go for the PS3, true graphics are better on the PS3 if you're using hdml cables and an HD tv, Drakes's Fortune and Resistance are great games, plus Resisitance 2 is coming out.

360 games are a joke, they're ALL first-person shooters, I mean they're fun, but come on, who wants to play first-person shooters all the time?

PS3 have no fuss, two cables that you plug into the back of the console and your set, built in wi-fi, you have to buy one for 360 (drooping about another $50) PS3 are also very quiet and do heat, but nothing near the 360 (which can melt the glue holding 360 together which drips onto motherboard, and then you have a short-circuited 360) PS3 only needs one subscription, and that's for a free Playstation Network account
2008-03-20 21:16:48 UTC
It seems you're pretty set on a PS3, and I'd say go for it! There's some great exclusives coming up for it, if you don't mind waiting. But just in the interest of fairness I'll give you the run-down.

Xbox 360: $50/yr online services, in game messaging and chat, supposedly superior matchmaking services for multiplayer, but you're required to pay the $50 to play online. Demos, DLC, etc are available regardless of whether you pay or not. Xbox also has achievements, which a lot of people enjoy. The 360 has a huge selection of games out, but they fall into the rut sometimes of FPS, sports, or racing. Not to say that there's not other titles, but they're not as polished as the FPS/sports/racing selection. Also, to clarify on the failure rate, the 360's original shipment had a failure rate of >33%, but according to a recent study by an insurance company (who writes off the repair costs on 360s), it's closer to 16% with the newer models. Comes bundled with a headset, though requires first party add-on harddrive if you buy the Arcade version.

PS3 has free online play, supposedly getting in game messaging and chat (ie In-game XMB) in the summer, trophies (ie achievements) with the coming of Home, and some other perks like dedicated servers for first party titles. The library isn't as large atm, but the games are coming. Something like 180 titles are going to launch for the PS3 this year (including multiplats). Failure rate at ~0.2%, mostly because of bluray lasers, especially in particular batches of 40gb models. The 40gb model does not play PS2 games, but the 80gb plays ~85% of PS2 games. All PS3s play PS1 games. The harddrive is upgradeable with any aftermarket 2.5" SATA drive. The PS3 has wifi, the 360 does not, unless you buy the wifi thing for it.

Obviously the PS3 is the best bluray player, since it's upgradeable, and this month will be getting Bluray Profile 2.0. Check out for details.

The PS3 won't overheat on you if you give it 4" of space on the sides, and don't run it in a closed cabinet. If it does overheat, the system will power off and the system light will flash red until it cools down.

Neither system has a lot of wires if you use HDMI, since that carries up to 1080p signal with up to 7.1 surround sound, though I'm not sure the 360 has games with 7.1. The PS3 does.

Both games have beautiful graphics, though if you believe what you hear, the PS3 has further to advance in terms of graphics than the 360. Also, the PS3 natively renders games in 720p or 1080p (normally only first party titles get 1080p native), whereas the majority of 360 games render at less than 720p and are upscaled via a hardware chip inside [notable exceptions include Virtua Fighter, which is 1080p native. It's a PS3 port]. Not that you'd be able to tell the difference visually in most cases, but there is one.

Neither one is subscription heavy, just the $50 one time fee per year for XBL, and you can buy a card for that in the store for 13 months. DLC and games are extra on both systems.

Both systems can feature as media centers, though don't believe that other guy. Neither console can burn CDs/DVDs. You can store movies and stuff on external drives and watch them on your TV, or stream from your PC. The 360 has slightly better DivX support, though the PS3 is supposed to be getting an upgrade in that department as well (with FW 2.20)
2008-03-20 20:28:37 UTC
the plastation because the 360 can get red rings of death which means you have to send it away to microsoft for a month or 2 to get it fixed

also on playstation 3 online play and online conectivity is completly free and on the xbox you have to pay a monthly fee

ps3 has lots of games like assasin's creed, uncharted drake fortune, rachet and clank future tools of destruction, resistance, and lots more

ps3 also has potential because metal gear solid 4, god of war 3 , final fantasy 13, final fantasy 13 versus and other good games are coming out on it

lastlym ps3 is durable and will last you a long time and it can play blu-ray movies
2008-03-20 20:31:33 UTC
Ok heres some first hand experience.......NO MATTER WHAT CONSOLE YOU GET YOULL WANT THE OTHER ONE!!!This is the truth as I have a ps3 and crave the scent of playing gears of war and halo 3!So this is just so you dont kick yourself when you get the one you want!

Ok now.The 360 is known for its hardware failures but there becoming less frequent and also 40GB can get bad lasers(first hand xp here!!).In terms of graphics theyre both about equal but the ps3 is supposed to do 4d graphics which is the dream of game designers(I wonder if its just a dream!).

In terms of features ps3 plays blu rays (as u probably know) and it also has free online which is great.The 360 is like a media centre.You can burn dvds onto it (so I've heard) but both consoles let you burn cds!The 360 is supposed to have better online BUT it'll cost ya!The 360 has achievements ut the ps3 is supposed to be getting a similiar systems packaged with the second life esque Home!

Onto games!Now the ps3 has blu ray which means games in this gen. can have a bit more room to breath(about 40 extra gigs. of room!!!!) which is good but Blu ray is more expensive and this shows in the game prices.Exclusives include Gears of war 2, the new Halo trilogy,Frontlines - fuels of war(note:I count it as an exclusive if it doesnt appear on the other consolke!!),Fable 2,Forza.With sonys machine you get GT5,Uncharted,Resistance,KIllzone,MSG,God of War,Ratchet + clank,HAZE,Final Fantasy and ll big planet.

(I dont know much about the 360 games)

A quick word on accesories.A headset comes with the 360 and the pad is supposedly more comforatable.Both have wabcams but the ps3's is like the eyetoy.Also the shoulder buttons play role reversal on the pads rt on the 360 is the norm for firing but r1 is the norm for firing on the ps3(hmmmm......)

To wrap this all up I'd say its really youre own choice but ur pretty geared on a ps3.Hopes this helps
2008-03-20 20:21:10 UTC
To tell you the truth both consoles are great they both have their Ups and Downs so any of em would be the best and PS3 has some good games coming for it also 360 its not just PS3 that's gonna get good games trust me 360 are gonna get some awsome games too.
2008-03-20 20:18:59 UTC
ok, i recomend the ps3, but not only because of its stunning graphics etc etc. but because its only got a 0.2% chance of breaking down, whereas the 360 has a 33.3% chance of breaking (Red ring of death)

the ps3 has better value for money as well, you get more!!

the ps3 has no subscriptions to go online, whereas the 360 you have to pay £40 a year for xbox live gold( i think)

hope i helped
Jonathan C
2008-03-20 20:19:13 UTC
get ps3, i got 1, and it has never overheated and has no "wires". one thing that XBOX 360 cant do: play blu ray disks
khalid S
2008-03-20 23:29:07 UTC
2008-03-20 22:46:56 UTC
get a ps3. its better and it will hold up longer

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