Well if your ganna download music for the p.s.p, your going to have to download a downloading system, i suggest (Limewire). After downloading your music source, serch for all the songs that you wan't, when all songs are complete(100%), minimize that screen, and go to your (Start controle), at the left hand corner of your screen, click on (My Music), then on any area of the white screen, right click, click on new, and click on folder. Type any desireable name you choose, and click on the folder. From there, their should be a blank white screen, minimize that page and maximize limewire. Start from bottom up, Highlight all the loaded(100%) music. Click, HOLD, and drag to your (My Music) Bar Below and let go on blank page. In the (My music) folder, click on (Edit) on the top left hand corner and click on (select all). The music should be Highlited blue. Connect your (USB) Connection to your (P.S.P), to the computer. In the P.S.P go to catagory (Settings), Down to (U.S.B Connection) and press(X). When connected another Window should appear as(Removable Disk F:), Scroll Down to (Open Folder to view files), From there, their should be some folders, if there is'nt a folder named after (Music), Right click on any area of the white screen , Click (New), And select folder, Make sure the name of the file is (Music). Click on your (My Music) bar below, Click, HOLD, and Drag to (Removable Disk (F:)) Bar below, and let go of mouse on the folder (Music). Music should be loading in your (P.S.P), By now. Then There you go. Enjoy!!! =) For any other info on your (P.S.P), Pleas don't hezitate to ask me.