PS3 or XBOX-360?
2008-04-25 12:09:21 UTC
dont know which one to buy.
Twelve answers:
2008-04-25 12:52:59 UTC
ok ok i am getting tried of people saying ps3 has better hardware. i own a console repair shop and if u want reliablity u wont get it with the 360 or the ps3.i have as much ps3s coming in my shop as 360s. each console will break down on u u have to accept on what console u get dont listen to people. it is up to u. if u wont good gaming and media experience get a ps3. if u want serious games and some media experience and good online get a xbox 360. games both consoles will get great games and have there own exclusives. it is up to u what exclusives u like. do u like war like games and sports.get a 360 if u like a little war and mixed variety of kid games get a ps3. personaly dont listen to theses people if u put ur question in the xbox section all the answers r bias and same for ps3 section. make ur own choice dont let people make it for u cause u might regret what u get. GOOD LUCK
Jimmy Jump
2008-04-25 19:22:15 UTC
I owned a 360 and it had a terrible overheating problem. I would chronically freeze almost every time I would play it. It started doing this only a month after I purchased it. I still enjoyed playing the system, but the hardware is a major downfall. It was stolen so I no longer have the system and I picked up a PS3.

The PS3 is unbelievable, it acts as more of a media center rather than a gaming console. It can receive wireless internet and has it's own browser. There are more games for the 360, but the PS3 library is always growing also.

In terms of quality of the systems I would have to say go with the PS3.
2008-04-25 19:58:38 UTC
I have the Xbox 360 Premium and the Playstation 3 40GB and i love both of them. But in the long run i would choose the Playstation 3 because they are starting to generate alot more games for the counsul. The online play is the same as the Xbox 360 and its free compared to Xbox $50 charge.....with the Playstation 3 you can also play high definition movie (Blue Ray), come with built in wireless, much easier to watch movies from your computer, and you can also easily change out the hard drive to increase the size.

" Say you want a 120gb hard drive for your PS3, you can buy any manufacturer of hard drive that is 2.5" and you can get one for about $60....Say you want the same thing on have to buy there hard drive and it $179....big BIG difference"

Also the games are in better resolution and more custom titles to choose from such as "Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, and the Final Fantasy Series" Sure xbox has halo 3, its fun but thats the only custom game xbox has, and every other game it has so does PS3

So if i were you i would definantly get the Playstation 3 counsul 40gb and a new Dual Shock 3 controller...that is my honest opinion
mark s
2008-04-25 19:15:00 UTC
Unless you consider Halo 3 a must have buy the PS3. Here is a comparisson;


The 360's Xenos is more advanced than the PS3's RSX. Rather than having separate pixel and vertex shaders the Xenos has a unified pipeline, that means that each of the 48 shaders can do either pixel or vertex operations. This means that generally the Xenons can be pushed to the max, with all 48 shaders busy, rather than on the PS3 where some of its fixed shaders are likely to be unused.

The PS3 was designed for the SPE's to supplement graphical processing though, so the PS3 is capable of producing better graphics than the Xbox 360.


Blu-ray beats DVD9 hands down, in every respect it is faster* and much larger. Larger means bigger games, and better graphics (most games graphic is pre-render and just assembled by the console (with some effects added), more space means better graphics). The PS3's all come with a hard drive, so games can cache data for faster reading.

* Technically there are parts of DVD9 that read faster than the blu-ray (blu-ray reads the same speed throughout the whole disk, DVD9 is faster on the outer edge)


The 360 has 3 PPC cores, with SIMD (single instruction multiple data) extensions (each Core can process as either a CPU or a Vector processor). The Cell has one PPC core and six SIMD processors. Vector processors are very good at doing computations, or the same operation on multiple bits of data at the same time. This is the ideal kind of processor for graphics, physics or sound (in fact the GPU is a prime example of a specialized SIMD processor) which is exactly the kind of thing a games console spends most of its time doing.

The problem is that SIMD processors require the programmer optimize their code in a certain way. This requires different thinking and experience.


The 360 has a much larger catalog than the PS3, and some pretty good exclusives. Early dual releases look or ran much better on the 360 as developers produced lazy PS3 ports. Recent releases like Assassins Creed, Devil may cry 4 and Call of Duty 4 look and play the same on both Consoles.

There is a growing catalog of exclusive releases for the PS3, taking advantage of the cell and blu-ray to produce games that are simply not possible on the 360.


Both Consoles have the same amount of memory, though it is configured differently, there are pluses and minuses to both configurations. You will often see a figure quoted on bandwidth with the 360 having 256GB/S, it does for all of 10MB. The effective bandwidth is similar on both Consoles.


For most people whose online experience consists of matchmaking for multiplayer the services are essentially the same. Xbox live has more additional functionality than PS3, but then it costs $50/year rather than being free.


The PS3 failure rate is quoted at between 0.5-2%, the 360 has failure rates of between 16-33%.


The PS3 has built in wireless and you can watch blu-ray movies and DVD's without requiring additional purchases.


The 360 is cheaper, but in the case of 360 vs PS3, you get what you pay for.
2008-04-25 22:01:35 UTC
(To above --- 2 cents? More like 2 dollars! ;))


Posting your question in the Playstation section means many of the answers will be biased towards the PS3, just as they would be biased towards the 360 in the XBox section.

If anyone tells you one of these consoles sucks, then ignore the reply because, both are GREAT consoles. :)

And don't listen to the fanboys (especially those with LONG lists of reasons or those who think specs shows which is better ;)), since they will try to convince you that the 360 or PS3 is better or worse, often by using lies, exaggeration and uninformed opinions to support their personal views.

Both the 360 and PS3 have their advantages and disadvantages and are of _similar_ power (as confirmed by devs who create games for both consoles, and from multi-format games), with the PS3 potentially having a slight edge overall, especially for exclusive games.

So what's my verdict on which console you should buy?

BUY A CONSOLE BASED UPON THE GAMES YOU WANT TO PLAY, not based upon what certain people say or think. That's the most important thing. So see what's on offer for the PS3, see what's on offer for the 360, both exclusive and multi-format games, and make up your mind based upon the console that has the games which appeals to YOU the most. :)

Also, if you can, find a friend who is a fan of the PS3 and another who is a fan of the 360, and let them 'sell' the console to you, hopefully by showing you some of the best games available and allowing you to play them. And once again, don't allow them to make up your mind for you.... do it yourself based upon what you've seen and experienced.

Good luck on your choice, but you'll be happy with either console imo. :)
2008-04-25 19:18:36 UTC
My son is a teenager and him and all his friends prefer the xbox 360. Probably because of Halo 3 because it is a big deal with teenagers.

His xbox 360 got the ring of death about 10 months after purchase and we had to send it in to microsoft to have them fix it at no charge. It was pretty easy to do this but he was out a system for about 2-3 weeks. The ring of death also happened to two of his friends xbox 360's as well. One of them got it for christmas and it had the ring of death right out of the box so he came over to our house on christmas day because he was dying to play one of his new games.
2008-04-25 19:45:15 UTC
If money between the two is no object, of course you want the PS3 for its more invested future value.

It really will have longer value simply because of having Blu-ray vs. DVD, both in games and movies. It's also better in processing in most if not all categories. If Microsoft consoles are your thing, I'd wait until the next generation for it to upgrade to today's or tomorrow's media.
dirk pitt 15
2008-04-25 21:25:08 UTC

...and i hate those that say 360 only has halo 3. theres a lot more. to name a few..bioshock (soon to be bioshock 2), ninja gaiden, Fable, gears of war,etc.
2008-04-25 19:16:14 UTC
PS3 rocks.
2008-04-25 20:05:56 UTC
ok halo sucks go PS3 all the way
2008-04-25 20:20:35 UTC
apple or orange?

man this question gets asked to often....PS3!
2008-04-25 21:31:44 UTC
ok heres my 2 cents i have been a gamer sinces the days of the atari 2600 (my first system) i have gamed on every console made and pc! i have recently sold my 360 and all the gear on ebay why you ask heres a nice lil' story i'll try not to ramble on for hours! lol

i finaly broke down and bought a 360 when i heard halo 3 would be out soon i bought the premium system in october 2007 in november less than a month later i got the famous 3 red lights of death! so as you know microsoft fixed it for free (no system for 3 weeks)

2 weeks after i got it back i got the 3 red lights of death again!!!!! again they fixed it .

and 2 weeks ago a brand new problem popped up

when you turn it on it goes to a black screen with white text

stating that i have a "error 79" with one red light in the lower right hand quadrant this time they wont fix it for free they want 99$ and said my waranty had expired !!??!

i refused to pay and sold it but for a time i owned and played both the ps3 and 360 heres my comparison i had call of duty 4 for both systems i ran them both on a 37 inch lcd hdtv in 1080i my friends family and self unanimously agreed it looked better and ran smoother on the ps3 ,

the boxes well the 360 feels light and toy like the tray is clunky at best, it scratched every disc i put in it!! it would act like it was jammed then suddenly eject with the disc still spinning! i was literally scared to open it! the box ran as hot as a space heater even with a fan blowing on it ! and keep in mind the power supply is external!! the power supply ran even hotter! i felt like i had a small nuclear reactor in my room!!

I never liked the white color i thought it look like some kind of futuristic Tupperware, and it really made me uneasy to have it standing up it seemed like it would tip over very easily,

and performance wise well it was pretty impressive at first but the screen would freeze at minimum once every 30 minutes regardless of the game playing even in the dashboard and during movie playback both regular and hddvd (yeah i got suckered into the add on hddvd player) as it turned out the only thing we did with it was play halo 3 that way we dident have to open the tray as often but half the time when you turned on the 360 it would say that halo3 was not a 360 disc and to please insert a 360 disc and you would have to open and close the tray several times to get it to read it! im sorry to say but in my opinion the xbox 360 is a poorly crafted hunk of

junk! and i might mention that i loved my original xbox i never had all these problems with it just had to replace the drive once after 3 yrs of heavy use

now about the network aka xbox live

you have to pay to use it 7.99 a month 96 a year if you pay monthly i would buy a year at a time so it was cheaper 50 a year, this on top of your isp fees

i felt that (and im sure im not alone here) that a service you have to pay for should be superb (it is microsoft after all)

but never the less it was very glitchy even on my 4mbps cable service in halo3 it would get so laggy that oponnets would dissapear and reapear at random the game would stop and re configure at least 1 or 2 times per match videos and content took forever to download compared to my pc or ps3

when i would call them they always tried to blame my connection so in my opinion live is paltry to be kind

and the money system is in my opinion a scam set up to trick you into thinking your not spending as much as you are you get about 80 points per dollar so a game thats 800 points is 10 bucks some of the content that is available on both live and ps network is always cheaper on ps network

and there is no internet browser on the 360

now for my experience with ps3 and its network

the box of the ps3 is high gloss black(piano black) very classy looking.

the unit is heavier stands up and sits very sturdy it oozes quality class and craftsmanship it has a slot that gently pulls in the discs has 4 usb ports not 3 a bay door that opens to reveal a memory card reader for several different kinds of cards(nice for viewing pics and vids) it runs much cooler even after several hours of intense play it just warm not having a thermonuclear melt down! and thats with the powersupply being inside the housing, i have owned it now about as long as the 360 i have had no problems at all not even a single screen freeze it has wireless networking built in and it picked up my router right away bluetooth allows you to use just about any bluetooth device (i use my bluetooth i bought for my cell as a headset for in game chat) you can plug in just about any usb device like a keyboard mouse webcam ect and it picks it up and the blu-ray dvd part is awesome its currently the only blu-ray player on the market that has bd/live support making it the best blu-ray player avalible it accepts about ant disc you throw at it even divx and xvid files it connects to my pc and i can watch movies ect that are on my pc(360 can do this too but you need either windows xp media center edition,vista and or you have to download and install "media extender")

also if you own a psp you can do some amazing thing things with the 2 you can download games demos videos ect for the psp with the ps3 and put them on your psp you can also use the psp to connect to the ps3 via local wireless or from your hotel room or any wifi hotspot thru the internet and view content stored on your ps3 or play demos ect

the playstation network is free and i was pleasantly surprised to discover it is rock solid i very rarely expierence lag or glitches and im running on a much slower connection (wireless 512 kbps thru my cellular provider) so thats means im running wireless from the ps3 to my router then again from the antenna to the isp!!! even on my much slower and laggy connection the ps3 has better gameplay on call of duty 4 than the 360 did on a 7 times faster cable connection with no wireless and running the same game!!! im just amazed

also i predict that this summer will be great for ps3 due to the fact that "home" ( an interactive web based community for ps3 where you have your own room that you can decorate with your own pics ect kinda like second life or rose) will be coming out

and many great game titles slated for release

all in all i feel that the ps3 will end up being the top dog

it is better built more powerful and more versatile

and in the long run its much less expensive to own a fully tricked out ps3 than a 360

the only thing that really rocked about 360 was halo3 and that was short lived since it was basically a disappointment

well thats my 2 cents worth

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