IS the Playstation 3 better or the 360 or the we?
2008-01-23 14:08:29 UTC
IS the Playstation 3 better or the 360 or the we?
44 answers:
2008-01-23 14:10:36 UTC
I Hate Scott Boras
2008-01-23 14:32:00 UTC
This is the problem with having multiple gaming consoles. Every company claims that they have the best system. When you look at the systems, they are all extremely advanced and having awesome features. However, all the consoles have something special about them. The Xbox 360 have Xbox live, which is the best online service for gaming, that is a fact. For the PS3, it has built in Blu-Ray, and a Blu-Ray player alone can cost almost as much as a PS3. And then we have the Wii, it has all motion sensing gameplay. It is more interactive than the 360 and PS3, but it does not have HD graphics, or an HD-DVD player. I think that the systems are pretty much equal. Now, a lot of people will disagree with me but I think that all the systems deserve a lot of credit for their creativity. I hope that eventually there will be 1 console in the future, with the creativity of all the companies, especially Nintendo.
2008-01-23 14:15:11 UTC
The PS3 has better hardware than the Xbox 360, as the Xbox 360 has a loud fan and has RROD problems. However, as far as online service (even though it costs $50 per year) and games library, the 360 currently dominates. The PS3 does have the best lineup of games this year, however. As for the Wii. It's a reliable console, but it's skimping on AAA titles. It still sells better than both the 360 and PS3 however.
2008-01-23 14:29:59 UTC
I assume you mean the Wii. All three systems have great aspects to them, and as they are each so different, there's really no comparing them. They are each in a class of their own.

The 360 has an incomparable online community, and is favored by those who do a heavy amount of online play.

The PS3 has unrivaled graphics, an included Blu-Ray player, and works well with HDTVs. For those who favor graphics over all, PS3 is king.

The Wii has a unique and innovating game play, appealing to those outside of the usual gaming market. It is even being embraced by the medical community as a tool to assist surgeons and physical therapy patients. Its downloadable content for classic games is a hit with retro gamers from all gaming platforms. Additionally, the Wii is the cheapest of the three systems.

However, each system has a downside.

The 360s are infamous for the Red Ring of Death, aka the death of the system and an unavoidably lengthy repair process.

The PS3 catches a bad rep for its high prices, both for the console and the games/movies it is compatible with. As it is still pretty new, the PS3's choice of games pales in comparison to that of its greatest rival - the 360. On the other hand, that will undoubtedly change as the system grows older.

The Wii, though huge in its initial launch and the subsequent 6 months, has some Wii owners getting sick of it already. With a relatively small selection of games that tend to appeal to the younger crowd, Nintendo fans have complained that the Wii is a repeat of the GameCube debocal.
2008-01-23 15:59:46 UTC
I got the PS3, like some mentioned before me, the Wii gets boring after a while... The 360 is a great machine, but it doesnt have as much storage as the PS3 and it is not a bluray player like the PS3 is..

I would suggest you make your decision based on the games each system has. I chose the PS3 because it had a few exclusives which I wanted to play.
2008-01-23 14:59:29 UTC
Playstation 3 hands-down
Hebrew Hammer!!!
2008-01-23 14:10:52 UTC
short And sweet yes it is

it goes

PS3/360 #1

then we have PS2 then Original Xbox then the 64 then the dream cast then we will put the piece of sh!t wii at #6 as it is a piece of garbage that needs to be thrown away

Ppl that say the wii is the best r the ones that have played it once or twice at a friends and it is fun then u buy it and it gets terribly boring for a grown man not soo much lil kids or girls...... so if ur under 13 or ur a girl go get a wii theres lots of spongebob games and other gay stuff like that u can play
Ash K
2008-01-23 14:43:49 UTC
Take wii sports for example if i wanted to go play tennis i would well go play tennis. if i wanted to go bowling id go to the bowling alley ang bowl. not swing my arms around holding a piece of plastic bieng too lazy to get out of the house. And when you work all day and play sports ect its nice to come home and relax playing video games the way it should be not come home and..Sweat? what the heck? why would i want to sweat when i play video games? exercise and games do not go together. exept maybe the occasional DDR.

The only reason i like the wii at all is because of its nintendo only releases mario kirby ect but I own a Nintendo DS so i can just get those on that.

Its the 360/ps3 for me.
2008-01-25 14:30:50 UTC
I love the play station 3 over the wii. i have both, but i do not have a x-box 360
2008-01-23 14:48:13 UTC
Well, I personaly think it's the PS3. I have all three of them. The Wii is fun at first, but it doesn't have good games-Mainly Mario typre games. Xbox 360 is Awesome, but no BluRay and lacks mega GB. PS3 has BluRay player, up to 80 GB, and live is free. Plus, you can use internet browser.
2008-01-23 14:15:59 UTC
I'll tell you what I've told everyone else, it's all about what you want. For me it came down to the PS3 having more of my kinda games. I eliminated the 360 early, but I considered the Wii heavily for its fun gameplay. Basically you just need to know what you want. All fanboys will tell you nothing but bashings of the other two systems, but your better off just following your instincts.
2008-01-23 14:13:55 UTC
It depends on the person who is playing and what type of games they like to play.

I have all three, and what makes a difference to me is the games that are out.

My faves on the PS3 are Assassin's Creed, Heavenly Sword, and Resistance: Fall of Man.

My faves on 360 are Halo 3, Need for Speed, and BioShock.

My faves on the Wii (not we) are Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Legend of Zelda, and Super Mario Galaxy.

Discover the games you like to play and the choice will be obvious to you.
2008-01-23 14:12:13 UTC
It depends. The 360 games seem to be better, but the ps3 plays blueray dvd's. Have ya priced a good blueray dvd player? $700-$800. The wii is different. If you don't like to get off the couch, don't buy it.
2008-01-23 14:29:57 UTC
the PS3 is not better than anything in fact Neo Geo pocket is about 30 times superior to PS3

-if you don't know what a Neo Geo Pocket is, look it up...

I would have to pick Wii, followed by X-box 360
Commander Cody
2008-01-23 14:12:34 UTC
the ps3 is going to outclass 360 in the near future, and the wiii can't process as fast and the whole concpt of motion controls is stupid to me, and the wii doesn't have very good games expet tenis and similar stuff
2008-01-23 14:20:38 UTC
Wii is the best choice because xbox 360 it overheats ps3 gets problems with backward compatiblity! Wii is the best because its family friendly.
2008-01-23 14:11:21 UTC
Which one has Internet access? Not the Wii right? Obviously the PS3 is better.
2008-01-23 14:12:27 UTC
all are different for different this/people

if you like playing fun games with friends - Wii

if youre a hard core gamer or loner gamer - PS3 or Xbox 360
2008-01-23 14:11:18 UTC
In my opinion, the 360 Elite is better. I don't really like the wii.
2008-01-23 14:11:14 UTC
i got an xbox 360 and its great.. never wanted to spend so much money on a playstation 3 cause they will probably come out with something better soon.
2008-01-23 14:12:34 UTC
Wii. It's cheaper (half the price of a PS3), the online play is free (Xbox live you have to pay for), the games are original, colourful, and fun. Anyone can play it :)
2008-01-23 14:11:18 UTC
my opinion is 360 beats all. ps3 will mainly be used as a blue ray player and wii is fun but only for a game or 2
2008-01-23 14:25:03 UTC
360 becuase ps3 sucks and we isnt a system i like the wii better then the ps3
Terry And Gillian M
2008-01-23 14:11:40 UTC
360 wins then the wii
2008-01-23 14:11:05 UTC
Play Station 3 I have herd....WII isnt that great TRUST ME....oh and the PS3 plays blue-ray so its cooler....
Bull Goose Loony
2008-01-23 14:25:28 UTC
This is my cut and paste answer. The reason for that is because a tech info is a tech info, you can't beat it (sources below). Also this question is so often!!!

PS3 will win the console war, no doubt. Xbox 360 and Wii are so weak from technological point of view, that in couple of years they won't be capable of dealing with serious graphics. GTA IV, for instance, isn't even announced for Wii - this toy won't be able to cope with the game's requirements. Xbox 360 is getting GTA IV, however, the game is going to be released on several DVDs - Xbox 360 owners will have to interrupt gaming process and switch discs (Rockstar complained about this issue). Only PS3 will have it on single BD-DVD.

Let's compare PS3 and XBOX 360:

1). A third of XBOX 360 (33%) are malfunctioning right from the start. PS3 return rate is only around 0.2%. Despite some people say, that new 360 has no breakdown issues - just visit Xbox section of Yahoo answers and see for yourself an amount of complaints.

2). PS3 has 8 (7+1) kernels in Cell processor, Xbox 360 -only 3.

3). PS3 uses advanced tech called Blu-Ray, one disc can store up to 54 gb (in the future - up to 200 gb), Xbox 360 - regular dual layer DVD-9 (8.5GB). It's possible to get HD-DVD (max. - 30GB) for 360, but it'll cost you around 180$, in this case Xbox is going to be MUCH more expensive, than PS3.

4). Calculations per sec - PS3 - 51-billion-dot-product-operati... per second

Xbox 360 - 33.6-billion-dot-product-opera... per second

5). PS3 has full media support - USBs, built-in 4 slots card reader (except 20GB and 40GB versions), ability to use printer and so on.

Xbox 360 has USBs and only 2 memory slots.

6). PS3 supports up to 7 Bluetooth Controllers

Xbox 360 - up to 4 Controllers

7). PS3 - wi-fi included (except 20 gb version)

Xbox 360 - wi-fi will cost you around 100 $

8). From the first technical sight - graphics are stronger in 360 (it has a stronger graphics chip - Xenos), BUT PS3 can use it's Cell CPU for graphics too, which gives you better graphics in total. PS3 uses a weaker RSX chip, that was developed by Nvidia exclusively for PS3. RSX runs on 550 Mhz. It's difficult to compare their graphics, because 360 has a video chip with totally different structure and operating memory is divided differently in both consoles. Xbox isn't that versatile in dividing tasks between CPU and GPU as PS3. That's why PS3 exclusives look better than 360's exclusives.

9). PS3 uses technology from AGEIA company. It does to physics of the game same thing GPU (videocard processor) does to graphics. This thing is on sale for PC(special card). The price is around 350$. There is no such thing in 360.

10). Xbox 360 is widely known for so-called "red ring of death" problem - it gets overheated easily. My PS3 was running for more than 15 hours non-stop with no problems. Sometimes Xbox 360 becomes so overheated, that thermopaste on CPU melts, drips on motherboard and successfully shortcircuits it. That's why in some countries people call Xbox 360 "Coffin 360".

11). Besides all of this, I've seen disassembled Xbox 360 - regular PC architecture - Billy Gates is an uninventive nerd (as usual).

When I saw disassembled PS3 - it was a surprise - smart architecture, good cooling (don't buy external PS3 coolers - they make everything worse - original system is good), etc.

12). In 2008 PS3 will get more than 300 games, including Metal Gear Solid 4, The Agent and other great exclusives. Here is the good link to the future PS3 releases.

13). PS3 online is free, Xbox 360 - you have to pay.

14). There were reports, that 360 scratches discs. No reports on that in PS3.

15). The funniest thing, that right now there are no games for PS3, that show full potential of the console. Biggest games weigh only 25 GB (Xbox 360 will need more than 3 discs even for those).

16). On PS3 you can install other OS, such as Linux Yellow Dog, Ubuntu and others. Sony officially lets you do it. There is no such thing in 360.

17). PS3 HDD can be replaced easily with any 2.5" SATA 5400 RPM HDD (used in laptops). 250 GB will cost you around 170$. In 360 you have to buy exclusive HDD, where 20GB will cost you 100$.

18).Sony expects PS3 to stay on the market for, at least, 7-10 years. Also Sony reduces price now. There is a cheaper 40GB version of PS3.

19).Sony constantly upgrades PS3 software (free updates for OS) - you get new functions and improvements.

20). PS3 controller (sixaxis) has a motion control - you move controller - game responds. Wii has it, Xbox 360 - doesn't. PS3 is getting rumble controller (Dualshock 3) in 1st quarter 2008, Japan already has it. On I saw those controllers on sale 50$ and up (unofficial import)

21).On PS3 you can help sick people by running Folding Home project. Wii and Xbox 360 didn't even think about it.

22).New 40GB is 399$ or 399 euro (depends on the region) - it has no backwards compatibility with PS2 games, has 2 USBs instead of 4, no built-in card reader, but it's the same PS3, strong, reliable, less noisy, different cooling system. The price is friendly.

23). But, to be just, I'm not a PS3 fanboy, so (despite I own one) hear this - PS3 games (exclusives) are very hard to develop due to complicated Cell's architecture. We have to wait till developers will figure out how to develop games properly. Sometimes multiplatform games run not so good on PS3 due to the same developing issues - it's hard for developers to get a grip on such advanced technologies.

I didn't mention Wii, because it's so weak, no point to talk about it. Leave it for kindergarten and casual games.


and many other sources
2008-01-23 14:13:29 UTC
wii is awusome you feel like if you were in the game not controling the player, you feel like if youn were the character . play sports and in some way its actuslly good for you
2008-01-23 14:10:46 UTC
PS3 hands down.

Wii just got boring after a while.
2008-01-23 14:10:50 UTC
360 it has live
2008-01-23 14:21:01 UTC
Just depends on the type of gamer you are.
2008-01-23 14:11:14 UTC
Our family loves the wii
2008-01-27 11:24:37 UTC
i personly think it is but heres how to choose:

PS3: Hardcore gamer, online gamer

Wii: fun gamer

Xbox: online gamer
2008-01-23 14:19:42 UTC
2008-01-23 14:14:52 UTC
ocosinaly i dont know wich one is better because i love them all i hope your reading this message
2008-01-23 14:12:08 UTC
In my opinion, I think that the Wii is the best.
Bobbie M
2008-01-23 14:11:52 UTC
WII is so much better..... when i play the wii specaially the boxing i sweat!!! its like a fun work out!!! lol!!!
2008-01-23 14:11:03 UTC
2008-01-23 14:11:42 UTC
they play the same games so why no get the cheaper one (wii)
2008-01-23 14:10:55 UTC
The wii is better!

Trust me!
2008-01-23 14:10:42 UTC
2008-01-23 14:12:09 UTC
IDK, uh.. 360 'cuz i can do whatever i want wit it an make it look nice. If you like to sweat you can jus play DDR.
2008-01-23 14:10:53 UTC
wii x
2008-01-23 14:15:39 UTC
PS3 for sure!!!!!
2008-01-23 14:10:59 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.