ps3 or xbox 360?
2008-04-01 09:19:07 UTC
ps3 or xbox 360?
Twelve answers:
Bull Goose Loony
2008-04-01 09:25:30 UTC
This question is so often!!! :-)

PS3 will win the console war, no doubt. Xbox 360 and Wii are so weak from technological point of view, that in couple of years they won't be capable of dealing with serious graphics. GTA IV, for instance, isn't even announced for Wii - this toy won't be able to cope with the game's requirements. Xbox 360 is getting GTA IV, however, the game is going to be released on several DVDs - Xbox 360 owners will have to interrupt gaming process and switch discs (Rockstar complained about this issue). Only PS3 will have it on single BD-DVD.

Let's compare PS3 and XBOX 360:

1). A third of XBOX 360 (33%) are malfunctioning right from the start. PS3 return rate is only around 0.2%. Despite some people say, that new 360 has no breakdown issues - just visit Xbox section of Yahoo answers and see for yourself an amount of complaints.

2). PS3 has 7 kernels in Cell processor, Xbox 360 -only 3.

3). PS3 uses advanced tech called Blu-Ray, one disc can store up to 25 (single layer) and dual layer 54 gb (in the future - up to 200 gb), Xbox 360 - regular dual layer DVD-9 (8.5GB). It's possible to get HD-DVD (max. - 30GB) for 360, but it'll cost you around 50$. Besides, HD-DVD had lost the format war with Blu-ray. Toshiba had stopped to manufacture them, Microsoft too.

4). Calculations per sec - PS3 - 51-billion-dot-product-operati... per second

Xbox 360 - 33.6-billion-dot-product-opera... per second

5). PS3 has full media support - USBs, built-in 4 slots card reader (except 20GB and 40GB versions), ability to use printer and so on.

Xbox 360 has USBs and only 2 memory slots.

6). PS3 supports up to 7 Bluetooth Controllers

Xbox 360 - up to 4 Controllers

7). PS3 - wi-fi included (except 20 gb version)

Xbox 360 - wi-fi will cost you around 100 $

8). From the first technical sight - graphics are stronger in 360 (it has a stronger graphics chip - Xenos), BUT PS3 can use it's Cell CPU for graphics too, which gives you better graphics in total. PS3 uses a weaker RSX chip, that was developed by Nvidia exclusively for PS3. RSX runs on 550 Mhz. It's difficult to compare their graphics, because 360 has a video chip with totally different structure and operating memory is divided differently in both consoles. Xbox isn't that versatile in dividing tasks between CPU and GPU as PS3. That's why PS3 exclusives look better than 360's exclusives.

9). Xbox 360 is widely known for so-called "red ring of death" problem - it gets overheated easily. My PS3 was running for more than 15 hours non-stop with no problems. Sometimes Xbox 360 becomes so overheated, that thermopaste on CPU melts, drips on motherboard and successfully shortcircuits it. That's why in some countries people call Xbox 360 "Coffin 360".

10). Besides all of this, I've seen disassembled Xbox 360 - regular PC architecture - Billy Gates is an uninventive nerd (as usual).

When I saw disassembled PS3 - it was a surprise - smart architecture, good cooling (don't buy external PS3 coolers - they make everything worse - original system is good), etc.

11). In 2008 PS3 will get more than 300 games, including Metal Gear Solid 4, The Agent and other great exclusives. Here is the good link to the future PS3 releases.

12). PS3 online is free, Xbox 360 - you have to pay.

13). There were reports, that 360 scratches discs. No reports on that in PS3.

14). The funniest thing, that right now there are no games for PS3, that show full potential of the console. Biggest games weigh only 25 GB (Xbox 360 will need more than 3 discs even for those).

15). On PS3 you can install other OS, such as Linux Yellow Dog, Ubuntu and others. Sony officially lets you do it. There is no such thing in 360.

16). PS3 HDD can be replaced easily with any 2.5" SATA 5400 RPM HDD (used in laptops). 250 GB will cost you around 170$. In 360 you have to buy exclusive HDD, where 20GB will cost you 100$.

17).Sony expects PS3 to stay on the market for, at least, 7-10 years. Also Sony reduces price now. There is a cheaper 40GB version of PS3.

18).Sony constantly upgrades PS3 software (free updates for OS) - you get new functions and improvements.

19). PS3 controller (sixaxis) has a motion control - you move controller - game responds. Wii has it, Xbox 360 - doesn't. PS3 is getting rumble controller (Dualshock 3) on 15.04.2008, Japan already has it. On I saw those controllers on sale 50$ and up (unofficial import).

20).On PS3 you can help sick people by running Folding Home project. Wii and Xbox 360 didn't even think about it.

21).New 40GB is 399$ or 399 euro (depends on the region) - it has no backwards compatibility with PS2 games, has 2 USBs instead of 4, no built-in card reader, but it's the same PS3, strong, reliable, less noisy, different cooling system. The price is friendly.

22). But, to be just, I'm not a PS3 fanboy, so (despite I own one) hear this - PS3 games (exclusives) are very hard to develop due to complicated Cell's architecture. We have to wait till developers will figure out how to develop games properly. Sometimes multiplatform games run not so good on PS3 due to the same developing issues - it's hard for developers to get a grip on such advanced technologies.

I didn't mention Wii, because it's so weak, no point to talk about it. Leave it for kindergarten and casual games.


and many other sources.
2008-04-01 21:09:13 UTC
@hfgh g

You are probably the dumbest person I have seen on this site so far. The PS3 lacks exclusives? Are you blind? Name 5 xbox 360 exclusives coming this year. No really, try. Yeah, sit down and stfu.

Every good xbox game goes to the PC. Every Halo except 3 has, Gears of War has, Bioshock has, and Mass Effect will. Go ahead and try to convince me why I should buy a faulty console for games I can get on the PC.

As for the PS3 the exclusives vary more, outnumber the 360's, are much better, and won't just end up on the PC. GT5, MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, Final Fantasy XIII, Killzone 2, Drakes Fortune (2 was recently announced), Resistance (2 recently announced), Infamous, Haze, Socom:Confrontation, White Knight Chronicles, multiple Team Ico projects, etc. And you can get those cross-platform games (like GTA and COD4) on the PS3 and not worry about the red ring of death.

You also talk about price, but the PS3 has a built in bluray player. Thats a $400 piece of equipment built in. Now tally up all the things the PS3 has that the xbox doesn't. Rechargeable wireless controllers (that don't run on AA batteries), wifi built in, bluetooth, games on 50gb bluray discs (vs the xboxs 9gb DVD), and FREE online play. Now who's really paying more?

The PS3 can do more, and has a better future. There is absolutely no reason to get the xbox 360 at this point unless you only want to play Halo.
2008-04-01 18:53:47 UTC
Let's be frank.

The 360 was a console that was rushed to production before it was finished and as a result it has some flaws that are going to make it garbage in two years.

1) RROD-

You can speculate all you want about whether the problem is solved. The fact is there are units among the new batch that will suffer the RROD.

2) DVD space limitations-

Yes, programmers can compress and find little tricks to get around space constraints. The fact remains that you can't compress indefinately. Sooner or later you will run out of space. Two years is more than enough.

3) Microsoft 101-

Microsoft has made a killing by selling people updated versions of things they already own (office, windows, internet explorer) based on the innovations of another company (Apple, Corel, Norton, Netscape). They seldom innovate anything and they have had a high failure rate in just about everything (blue screen of death, red ring of death, XP service packs 1 and 2).

They jump into the console market and replace their first console after only 4 years (compared to 6 years and counting for the PS2). And yeild what?

Game Cube to Wii (adds motion sensitivity)

PS2 to PS3 (adds harddrive, blu ray, motion contol, and online interface)

Xbox to 360 (adds what??)

The 360 is a good gaming system and you can have lots of fun with it, but Frankly it is the least impressive, the most expensive and has the biggest downside of all the consoles.

There will be those who will label me fanboy, but do the homework and you will see that all of what I am saying is FACT. All of the console manufacturers only want to make money, but when you look at all the trickery that Microsoft uses to get you to spend more money, you will realize that you should steer clear of the M$ machine.

Or go get your 360, and the hard drive, and the WiFi unit, and purchase the annual online access, and your HD DVD drive (on sale for $49) and pray you get 2 years of play before it breaks or M$ decides that it is time for more money and discontinues the 360 for the 720.

Get a Wii, get a PS2, get a PS3, get a DS...don't get a 360. It ain't worth it.
2008-04-01 22:42:18 UTC
First of all I HATE when idiot fan boys say its cheaper!!!

Xbox costs 350 Cheapest PS3 is 400

XBL costs 50 dollars a year which is already equal to the price of the 40 gig PS3 and the online for the PS3 is FREE and also the PS3 comes with built in Wi-Fi so for Crapbox360 you have to buy a 100 dollar adaptor for it to be cheap which will equal to the next highest PS3 which is 500$ so if you wanna sound like an idiot keep posting things like crapbox360 is cheaper not to mention you dont have to keep buying batteries for the PS3 controllers bucause they hae a built in Rechargeable battery unlike the 360 so if you add it all up the Xbox is actually more expensive if you wanna play online and if you want to play online wirelessly!!!
2008-04-01 16:50:19 UTC
It depends on the games you want to play.

Don't listen to the fanboys who will try to pursuade you towards their favourite console, because they will always use lies, exaggeration and one-sided arguements to try to make you see things their way.

For example, many gamers (fanboys) claimed that the 360 is maxed out by Gears of War, and yet that is absolute nonsense. It's a claim which has been made since the game was released in 2006, but if it was true, then Gears of War 2 could not be made to look any better. However, EPIC have recently presented some of the big improvements they've made to the game engine on the 360 since the game was launched;

This is technology for Gears of War 2, something which should have been impossible on the 360 if it was maxed out by the first game!!!

As for the power between the 360 and PS3, EVERY developer creating games for BOTH consoles says the 360 and PS3 are really close, with the PS3 perhaps having a slight edge overall. So again, don't listen to the uninformed and bias fanboys, listen to the devs. For example, listen to the January podcast 'Episode 15' from Criterion, a dev who always leads on Sony consoles for their multi-format games.

Again, listen to those who know, not the fanboys.

So finally, what's my verdict on which console to buy?

BUY A CONSOLE BASED UPON THE GAMES YOU WANT TO PLAY, not based upon what certain people say or think. That's the most important thing. So see what's on offer for the PS3, see what's on offer for the 360, both exclusive and multi-format, and make up your mind based upon the console that has the games which appeals to YOU the most. :)

Also, if you can, find a friend who is a fan of the PS3 and another who is a fan of the 360, and let them 'sell' the console to you, hopefully by showing you some of the best games available and allowing you to play them. And again, don't allow them to make up your mind for you.... do it yourself based upon what you've seen and experienced.

Good luck on your choice of console (both are great consoles btw) :)
2008-04-01 16:51:34 UTC
@Bull Goose Loony

Funny thing is you didnt mention gameplay, no point in haveing all that power if games dont utilize it.Mos games look currenty better on the 360 then PS3.

The PS3 lacks exlusive titles! and is over priced!

Anyway i would get a 360 its alot cheaper!

Most of the good games on the PS3 are on the 360 like call of duty 4 and rainbow 6 vegas alos soon to be GTAIV, it has more exlusive titles like Gears, Halo etc

If you want a good gameing system(cheap aswell) with a very good catalouge of games that you will enjoy then get the 360.

If you want an ovepriced gameing system which is more like a media center then get the PS3.
2008-04-01 16:38:20 UTC
Ps3 because my sis has an x box coz her boyfriend made her buy one lol which the ring around the on/off switch keeps going red and green.How ever i have ps3 which has been running fine.even in my bros cramped and tiny room it still works great (i needed singal strength).

my sis has it in open space so there is no reason for it too be doing that.
2008-04-01 16:30:30 UTC
It depends what you are looking for. The X-Box 360 has great multi-player and you should buy it if you have lots of friends who get together a lot. PS3 is also good, (except the price!) and has nice quality. Also, the guy above me refers to the "console war" like one will win and the others will sell no more. All consoles r selling well right now.
2008-04-01 18:06:21 UTC
ps3 any day xbox is ugly and has a massive power lead when ps3 has just got a normall wire!

2008-04-01 16:23:22 UTC
2008-04-01 22:32:55 UTC
Ps3,three words-Massive major OWNAGE!

Xbox360, four words-Red ring of fire......

Y'know what i mean :P
Big Al!
2008-04-01 16:26:48 UTC
I would get an xbox but that's just me.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.