Is PSN down again(may/29th/2011 9:35 A.M)?
2011-05-29 06:38:12 UTC
Its may 29th 9:35 A.M. I tried to get on PSN and it gives me that same error code when It was down for about three weeks. I can get on the built in browser so its not my wireless connection. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me? Its weird because I just played like twenty minutes earlier.
56 answers:
2011-05-29 06:57:56 UTC
They were supposed to start bringing the store back up online at the end of this month. They just choose to do so without any warning, I was literally logged on at like 9:10am then just tried and it was off.

A little communication never hurts with your customers.
2011-05-29 07:26:33 UTC
The bare necessities required to log back on to the PlayStation Network and play games online has been back for a little over a week now, but today a few features for Sony’s PSN will be closed for roughly nine hours. This closure isn’t the result of another cyber attack, but is simply part of some scheduled maintenance for the online service. PlayStation 3 owners will be unable to register a new account or access their Account Management between the hours of 8am to 5pm Pacific time. Sure, scheduled maintenance is certainly a pain, but Sony has a lot of damage to repair – as many PS3 owners are well aware of – so a little bit of downtime isn’t all that bad. You’ll still be able to play online too, so it’s nothing to get upset about.
2011-05-29 06:42:34 UTC
Yeah me too dude! I was signed in like 30 minutes ago and then now I can't sign in now, my Internet Connection is fine and works perfectly and when I had an Internet Connection Test on my PS3, it says that the Internet is Enabled so why is this so? I just played online like an hour ago. Pretty weird, maybe PSN is trying to restore PlayStation Store? I have no idea please someone answer. Thanks. I just finished Uncharted 2 Among Thieves on Crushing and I am trying to play Multiplayer to purchase and play as Marco Polo and Genghis Khan? Well, he costs 1.5 Million Dollars. Hope PlayStation Store is the reason why PSN is down and not because of hackers' attack again!!! Hope PlayStation Store will be back so I could redeem my code for Bonus Contents on my Uncharted 2 Among Thieves Game of the Year Edition! :D
2011-05-29 07:01:45 UTC
I am also having the same problem. I cannot log into PSN. There network must be down because my stepson could not get on his either. I also used the web browser on my PS3 and went to speakeasy and preformed a speed test which showed my download to be 10.68 Mbps and my upload at .95 Mbps. So my PS3 is connected to the internet and test fine.

I cannot speak for Play Station, but everything is working on my end. Therefore it must be the network.

I will continue to try and post when I am back on.
2011-05-29 07:39:27 UTC
Mines down too. Now I've been a PS fan ever since I was 3 but this is getting ridiculous.However I probably will never get an XBOX because you have to pay to play online which I think is pretty horrendous. And I am a fan of the Uncharted series which is only on PS3. So I'm pretty much sucked in too far. I got my first PS3 in February and this happens AFTER my return date expires. Gosh. So I'm stuck. I guess I'm going to not touch my PS3 for awhile....
Nazren E
2011-05-29 07:16:54 UTC
Yeah Error 80710092 most probably because Playstation Store is going to be restored on the 31st. Maintenance perhaps but I hope this isn't an infiltration from hackers. Was playing 2 minutes ago then bam, couldn't sign in and I'm from Malaysia
2011-05-29 06:49:22 UTC
Yeah the psn is definitely down. I was playing online this morning and I just went to go back on now and I can't sign in. I reconnected my router to the playstation and when I carried out a connection test the internet connection was successful but it failed to connect to the playstation network.

It's either been hacked again or it's down whilst they are trying to bring the store back online. I reckon it's the former.
2011-05-29 07:44:57 UTC
holy fricking sheep balls batman we need to hire crackheads to stay AWAKE an keep an eye on this b/s im going to go an buy a **** box i mean tard box i mean darn a xbox for when the ps and the retards running it go down or decide to do maintence. omg what do we have to do to get a decent console that is not pure total **** garbage. gaybox i mean xbox with its rrod an ps with its ylod omg i went through 5ps3s in 2 months after the first ylod an the ins company fixed it from experience ppl if u get the ylod go ahead an buy a new ps cause i know from experience they will never or can never b e repaired correctly i eventually went an just bought a tube of thermal paste for 10 bones broke the ***** apart an repaired it myself just to get mw2 out b4 the hackers ruined it but thats a diff story. but to the matter at hand got booted got back in game wit friends only to be put on wrong team ******* gay *** **** sign out to keep from getting yet another b/s loss an wouldnt ya knolw it the effn network is ****** againpuck u ps an psn an sony an xbox ftw ftfw ftfw ftfw
2011-05-29 06:56:56 UTC
Supposedly Sony is planning on bringing up the PSN Store this weekend/week (31st). Also, they are in the process of restoring the network in Asia. Even though that is separate it seems it is a maintenance outage. Still checking on it.
2011-05-29 06:57:17 UTC
Ya mine too! And if this is another attack Sony better let us know right away, not in two days. Xbox is no better, before I got my ps3 my xbox got the ring of death twice (had to send it back to Microsoft, one time after the free warranty ran out and cost me $100) and the dvd-rom drive will not recognize discs. Maybe Xbox live is a better network but the hardware is worse. Why do I have all these problems with next gen **** when my SNES still works fine! Technology, making our lives simpler!
2011-05-29 12:20:38 UTC
Yeah, the PSN is back up, but if you try logging in to the wbesite, it still says it's under maintenance... i'm wondering if they are restoring the PSN Store like they said they would at the end of this month
Sam Taylor
2011-05-29 08:19:15 UTC
They didn't shut the PSN down, there were just errors on the new PSN network, so, to fix those errors, they have to shut the PSN down for like an hour. Right now it's bak on so you may as well sign in.
2011-05-29 07:41:29 UTC
Playstation error code :- 80710092 -: Suggested Reasons - Check Modem or Restore Your network settings.

Another suggestion please restart or turn of system and wait 5 minutes.

-Playstation Network is down because of some sort of Store update. They are undergoing maintenance this is due to because the store is down and they are restoring it. Further update is shown on the board on playstation's official website.

For further update the Playstation Network is down for some reason for undergoing of repairing.

Playstation is down due to - STORE UPDATE AND RESTORATION

Playstation is due to restore On Bank holiday Monday.

Welcome Back Package - Get 5 games with a choice of 2 for free. 30 day Premium Service Gold Edition Playstation(R)Plus™ for a 30 day trial. PSP Games are included.
2011-05-29 07:29:59 UTC
This is a joke. If it is for the ps store why do it on a bank holiday weekend when people are off work and not bother telling anyone. Communication is piss poor. No wonder xbox sales are through the roof bill gates must be laughing his head off.
2011-05-29 07:04:42 UTC
Down here in the UK as well. Nothing from Sony to say this is planned maintenance, so I'm really hoping this is not another hack. At this rate, I'm just going to sell my ps3 and all the games and stick with a super nintendo!!!
2011-05-29 06:59:02 UTC
I hate this, why doesnt playstation have a updater that is independent from the PSN servers to show whats going. I loved my PS upuntill those asshole hackers started messing with it.

This is weird, I was on Norways PS website and it says that the PSN is on... Have a look yourself.
Mike C
2011-05-29 06:55:57 UTC
Yes its down I think , about 9:00 AM I was on and tried to play borderlands but I have no online status.

So I Shut Down then tried get online again about 9:30 , does'nt work.

I think there getting the Store fixed up to go online on Tue.
2011-05-29 07:22:14 UTC
okay the PSN is down for unscheduled maintenance again!! *cough HACK cough*

the mods on the forums do not know what has happened nor do the support team on the GB phone lines.

all they will say is that it is unscheduled maintenance or unplanned maintenance.

if this is a hack im getting an xbox.

ill keep my ps3 for disgaea 3 & 4 and thats it... the only thing ps3 has over xbox
2011-05-29 07:39:00 UTC
?? What the heck. I cant log in either. I was on like 2 minutes ago then BAM I tryed to get on black ops and Its not working. Sony I hope you have a good *** Explination. No one wants to pay for Xbox. Xbox sucks. Atleast give us a freaking update.
2011-05-29 07:23:33 UTC
yeah same every time i have try to sign in is says an error has occurred. you have been signed out of play station Network i have done every thing even phoned the technical support but it is to busy and even on the website when i try to sign in the log in page will not come up i don't know what to do hope fully it will be back up very soon!!!
2011-05-29 06:40:53 UTC
No it's not down again. From what i understand it's something that is going to go down here and there while they're still getting the store up again. It could go down and be back up at anytime. Try again in a few minutes.
2011-05-29 06:52:30 UTC
i cant get in either. my internet connection is fine, and i was playing last night aswell, but today i cant log in.

i keep on getting the error code 80710092.

it might be a temporary maintenance while they fix PS store maybe. but im sure it wont last 30 odd days like last time (well i hope not anyway)
2011-05-29 07:46:33 UTC
yer mine is down 2 all morning i hope it comes back on 2day also the store is NOT returning on the 31st atari tweeted that there game dungeons an dragons a dlc game released on that day wont be avalible to ps3 owners so that is bad news if that is true :(
2011-05-29 07:28:56 UTC
>.> wtf i wanna play some black ops. Now i cant cuz they want to open the dam store.

(PS: buy an xbox360, ive had mine for 5 years and it never has broke. There online may be monthly fee but no week long updates. The longest update ive ever had was bout 3 minutes. SOO much better and worth the fees)
2011-05-29 06:55:32 UTC
once u sign out u cannot sign back in for now! its all due to bring ps store up again. Don't worry guys we should be able to login in a couple of hours
2011-05-29 07:40:00 UTC
DAMMIT I WAS JUST ONLINE AND HAPPY UNTIL MY FRIEND CALLED ME AND TOLD ME IT WAS DOWN AGAIN. heres how the conversation went.."ring ring" Me: yo", Friend: Dude playstaion network is down again?" Me: no, dude im online right now" Friend:well i cant get in", Me: i press ps button and look at my friends list and whadaya know everyones offline ecept my friend that has his ps3 on netflix all day. so i signed out to see and yeah i couldnt get back in so i was like **** and hung uop the phone and googled it and here i am....
2011-05-29 06:59:09 UTC
Unfortunately, same here in Brazil. It's starting to became a little annoying to me. No information on @playstation, blog or website.
2011-05-29 07:28:39 UTC
Down for me also. Tried to get on just a bit ago for DCUO. No Luck. Hope it is fixed by 1:30pm.
2011-05-29 07:28:29 UTC
yah it sais on theyre blog it should be down from 8 to 5 on may 24 but that never happend so its probably that
2011-05-29 07:29:24 UTC
I have a scheduled race for Noon EST on GT5. Hope the network is back by then.
2011-05-29 07:55:33 UTC
It is back up and the store was not yet restored. Lol. So much for hoping.
2011-05-29 07:12:13 UTC
Im finished with this garbage and these bullshit excuses.........**** them im going to get an XBOX you may have to pay the small fee for online but from what i understand they are constsintly working on it not letting **** like THIS happen to there system. **** YOU PLAYSTATION
2011-05-29 07:22:26 UTC
they did say ps store would be up before the month ends so give it like 3 days
2011-05-29 07:33:17 UTC
lol all u herbs are getting pissed bc u cant play video ur gonna get an xbox hahaha this is funny bc u cant play cod... id probably murk every1 here and i play like once a week
2011-05-29 06:51:23 UTC
Hopefully we'll find out whats happening 6 days from today
2011-05-29 07:53:41 UTC
Nothing could suck more than the PS3 and PSN
Matt K.
2011-05-29 07:58:50 UTC
im logged in now on may 29th... its 11:00 AM Eastern time U.S.A and no store
2011-05-29 06:56:58 UTC
yeah its down for me too....but don't worry we have an update in a week telling us nothing and then more pointless updates every 3 days after that for the next month....
2011-05-29 06:59:04 UTC
I have the same **** here! Its ******* annoying with psn down! I hate it!
2011-05-29 08:15:42 UTC
Mine is back on now. 10 central time.
2011-05-29 07:03:31 UTC
man i think there just trying to bring up the store becase i was just playing online and it just kiked me off
2011-05-29 06:43:38 UTC
Yes it is ! I was on within the last hour so it hasn't been down long !
Danny H
2011-05-29 07:46:12 UTC
i know i got on, then with in 5 mins it said uve been singed out of the playstation network .

i was like wtf!not again! lol

but i do think is bcuz theyre putting the playstation store back up today so yeah . idk.
2011-05-29 07:22:30 UTC
down again with no PR true sony here
2011-05-29 07:06:38 UTC
i cant either. maybe they are trying to bring the store back up
2011-05-29 10:34:00 UTC
i just loged in it was fine there just doing work on it with all the password changes they have to deal with
2011-05-29 07:46:26 UTC
i can get on now just a half hour fix i guess but i am playing now (:
2011-05-29 06:53:46 UTC
yeah i also just tried to connect. dang thing wont let me. hope it goes back soon :/
2011-05-29 07:53:45 UTC
Xbox is probably doing
2011-05-29 07:44:48 UTC
I cant get on either i guess it must be
2011-05-29 06:39:59 UTC
looks lke it i cant get in either
2011-05-29 06:47:25 UTC
Yes, it is. I hate PS3. I'm getting a Xbox.
2011-05-29 07:33:23 UTC
i can't get on either
2011-05-29 07:23:46 UTC
i will nuke psn
2011-05-29 06:57:04 UTC
wtf,, what is that ,,,,, every day everyn night psn going daaaaaaaaaaaaawn

i am in malaysia
2011-05-29 07:05:21 UTC
This is crap....

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