ps3 vs 360?
jeff c
2007-07-28 09:08:34 UTC
im going out to buy one this weekend. pound for pound what is better. list pros and cons of both pls

I think its time i finally pick one
Fourteen answers:
Mitchell k
2007-07-28 09:11:45 UTC
ps3 is better because on the 360 you can get the redlights ps3 doesn't have any problems but it coast all lot though.
2007-07-28 16:33:45 UTC
The 360 IS NOT GETTING MGS 4. Hideo Kojima, who is the father of the Metal Gear series, said that MGS 4 is a PS3 exclusive at E3 07. When Kojima announced it himself, I tend to believe that he's telling the truth. How desperate are 360 fanboys becoming that they have to make up stories about the PS3 losing the exclusive rights to MGS 4.

Pound for pound, the PS3 is the better console. You're getting a Blu-ray and DVD player as well as a video game console. The 360, you're only getting a DVD player and a video game console.

Why does the 360 have more games than the PS3? Oh, could it be because it was out 1 year before the PS3. Which console is getting the most games this year? PS3. Just keep an eye out on the game releases for the summer. The PS3 is getting quite a few, while the 360 is going to be in a drought.

PS3 losing exclusive. True, but it's not losing Metal Gear Solid 4, God of War 3, Ratchet & Clank Future. It still hasn't lost Final Fantasy or Tekken. It's also gaining LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Lair, Resistance, Heavenly Sword, etc. The 360 is also losing its exclusives. It has already lost Ninja Gaiden, and I believe it's on the verge of losing Dead or Alive and Dead Rising (Rumor is that Dead Rising 2 might be a PS3 exclusive). As I recall, the PS3 is getting at least 15 exclusives, while MS has only announced 8 to 10 exclusives.

You have to pay 50 bucks a year to play online, while for the PS3 it's free. The PS3's HOME sure beats XBL.

Don't listen to those 360 fanboys because they're getting their facts messed up.

Fiction: Lair cannot be played on the 20 gb PS3.

Fact: Totally false. The game Lair is about 25 gb big, but it doesn't install itself on the hard drive. Think about it. Why would Sony make a game that can only be played on one version of the PS3 but not the other version.

Fiction: Halo 3 is coming out Nov. 25.

Fact: Anyone who's a Halo 3 fan would have Sept. 25 marked down on their calendar. Sept. 25th is when Halo 3 is coming out.

Fiction: The 360 Elite costs just as much as the PS3 with HDMI.

Fact: All versions of the PS3 has HDMI. Only the Elite has HDMI. Figure in everything else, and the 60 gb PS3 becomes a major bargain when you compare it to any version of the 360. You get Wi-Fi built in, a Blu-ray player, 1.3 HDMI (unlike 1.2 for the 360), and various the media slots.

Fiction: MGS 4 is coming out for the 360 before it comes out for the PS3.

Fact: Funny. All we've seen so far have been PS3 trailers for MGS 4. So, if the 360 is getting it first, shouldn't the 360 have some form of MGS 4 trailers. Didn't Kojima say that MGS 4 is a PS3 exclusive, and didn't he created the Metal Gear series? How can the 360 get the game first if it's not even in development for the 360?
2007-07-28 16:30:07 UTC
lol i get this question alot ok ps3 vs 360 well i have both i have to say the 360 looks alot beter on a hdtv than the ps3 and the ps3 games take up alot of space on your memory unit you have 60 or 20 gb and the new game LAIR coming out for it takes up 25gb if you have the 20 gb you cant play it but for the 360 its alot beter you dont have games taking up 25 gb worth of space and the elite has a 120 gb memory unit twice as much as the ps3 and hdmi and now for the games well i am very impressed with what sony is doing with warhawk and lair but i like what i see in the 360's bioshock and two worlds and never forget that HALO 3 is coming in november 25th and then there making halo wars from the creators of age of empires so i have to give it to microsoft for the games and the system and the price the 360 has 3 systems core pro and elite the core has no memory unit the pro has 20 gb memory and the elite has 120 gb and the core is only 299.99 $ and the pro is 399.99 and the elite is 479.99 the price is way beter i have to go with XBOX 360 DUDE ALL THE WAY
2007-07-28 16:22:44 UTC
Let's look at some facts:

On-line gaming: The 360 has the BEST on-line gaming community of any gaming system. The PS3 on line community is you get what you pay for. It sucks. Xbox Live is only $50 a year and it is AWESOME. Even non-gaming features on Live are phenominal.

Games: The 360 has better games out and better games coming out. Take a look at the line up for the next 12-18 months and you'll see I'm right. And even games that use to be exclusive for PS are coming out for the 360. Example: Metal Gear Solid 4. It's coming out for the 360 before it comes out for the PS3.

Blu Ray/HD-DVD: The most overrated argument out there. Will Blu ray win? Probably. But then Microsoft will put blu ray out for the Xbox. BluRay is not owned by PS. Anyone can use the BluRay technology, including Microsoft which will start putting it on gaming consoles eventually. And we are YEARS away from movies being made in only one chosen format.

Graphics: Having seen games on both systems, it depends on the game and more often then not, they are equal.

The 360 is a better all around gaming system with better games and more features.

Dispite the hardware failures Xbox 360 is pretty good and I have one

Also the only reason PS3 has more features is because Xbox 360 came out a year and a half before PS3
2007-07-29 22:52:52 UTC
Ps3 is better than the 360... The ps3 has better graphics, will have great games coming out soon, and a long lasting system... Microsoft has spent billions of dollars repairing defective and broken 360's... Xbox is garbage!
2007-07-30 02:21:07 UTC
Well, It all depends on what type of gamer you are. Right now I have a ps3 and I LOOOOVE IT!! Both are good though, but I think the PS3 is the bigger bang for your buck.

Here is my recommendation:

If you want a multimedia console that has online(gaming, movie downloads, etc) overall focus on intense gaming (like mature and teen games), and great exclusives(ex: Gears of War, Halo 3, Tenchu Z, etc): Then get the Xbox 360

Some Xbox 360s have hardware problems. My friend is on his 3rd Xbox 360 (red rings of death), which he bought his first one at launch. But also my one friend who recieved his last Christmas hasn't had any problems. Microsoft now gives a 3 year warrenty, so just incase it does happen your going to be protected for a while.

If you want a multimedia console that has FREEE online, is well balanced with all types of games, good exclusives as well (Heavenly Sword, Lair, Ninja Gaiden:Sigma, Little Big Planet, Resistance etc) and many other features like Web Browsing and PS3 Home: Then get the PS3

PS3 doesnt have rumble or much games, but rumble controllers and games will come out around christmas

I like the PS3 because it comes with wifi, blue-ray, 60gb, and rechargeable controllers. Also if you wanted this same amount of power (except for more gigs) on your xbox 360 elite ($479) it would cost around $846.98 total for the wifi ($99), HD-Player( $199), 1 year of XBOX live ($50), Charge Kit ($20)

This would save you around 300 bucks

PS3 Price: (estimated cost around $550 with hdmi chord)

Plus: Microsoft only allows the 360 to be compatible with Microsoft equipment (ex: hardrive and headset) So if you like wanted to upgrade you ps3 or buy a mic, you could go to ebay and find one really cheap. I found my mic for 4 bucks lol and have found 120gb hardrives on ebay for around 100 bucks, still making it cheaper than the 360. But then again you might not use these extras, so you might wanna go for the wii or xbox 360 since of the price difference.

Many people also compare the PS3 to the Xbox 360 and say that the Xbox 360 is better based on present facts (like the guys above me). DUHH! The 360 has been out a year longer than the PS3. The PS3 hasn't even been out for very long to release all these great games and present all of its great features. By christmas PS3 will be BOOMING with great games, along PS3 Home, and xbox 360 will only be hanging on by the overated Halo 3. Dont get me wrong, Halo is a great series, but it is just overated.

Again like I said, it all revolves around what you like and what you can afford. If you can afford anyone of the consoles and like anything, then I would go for the PS3.

PS: Also all gen systems will be good in the long run. They will all last for around 10 years. Also the PS3 will get tons of exclusives by christmas (Lair, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, The Getaway 3, Haze, Afrika, Tekken 6, etc) Also many of these exclusives are new unlike previous exclusives like the Metal Gear Solid series.

Good videos to prove facts:

PS3 is the way to go
2007-07-28 16:13:35 UTC
360 has more games out.

PS3 is a superior machine but has no games.

PS3 is starting to lose their exclusives.

360 is getting MGS4.

PS3 still has FFXIII (which looks amazing)

360 is cheaper.

360 is a very faulty machine (lots of stories of 360 breaking down on the owners. long delay in getting warranty coverage)

PS3 controller is below average (after loss of rumble, and their version of 6axis motion is crap)

PS3 has blue ray.

360 elite is the only version with HDMI output (more pricey)

These are few of the pros and cons I can think off the top of my head. Hope it helps.
2007-07-28 20:07:10 UTC
but the ps3 online for about $10 i say buy that heres how

it will only cost around $10

step 1 use exact link above

step 2 buy a small $10 offer

step 3 get any 10 people in the us or canada to do step 1 and 2 useing the link on your account page. "the one above is mine to help me get a ps3 by refering people to the site but u can still get a ps3 even if you were refered so please use link above"

step 4 claim your ps3 in the mail after only spending a few dollars

i dont care if im the best answer but if you like to buy online please view the buying choices. email me if any questions
Deleno Griffin
2007-07-28 16:16:39 UTC

Pros: More games

Online capabilities

DVD format

Con:Some hardware issues

less functions


Pros: Larger Maps and gameplay

Free online gameplay

More functions

Blu ray format

Softer sound

recent price drop

six axis


Less games


I would take the PS3 because of the potentials it boosts.
2007-07-28 18:43:49 UTC
I wouldn't advise anyone to buy the 360 or 360 elite, recently every single xbox 360 (core, premium, and elite) has been deemed defective, which will cost microsoft about 1.05 to 1.15 billion (source>

The ps3 is better overall in terms of hardware, and soon software.

here's some of the great things about the playstation 3

-Ps3 can browse online

-ps3 comes with built in wifi ~ xbox 360 or 360 elite don't

-Ps3 has a 60 GB interchangeable hard drive, meaning you can change your hard drive with any brand of hard drive 360 or 360 elite don't.

-ps3 online is free ~ xbox live isn't

-Playstation home is an interactive community of ps3 users where you can play games or meet up with friends and hang out at your virtual home and hang outs, as well as stream live media(releasing in october, and is FREE)

-Ps3 can get Linux and other OS's installed ~ xbox 360 cant

-ps3 comes with a next generation disc format (blu ray-50 gigs, xbox 360 and 360 elite are only compatable with 7 GB DVDs for games, and if you're willing to pay an extra $200 you can watch ONLY movies on hd dvd,which can only hold 30 GB)

-ps3 has HDMI 1.3, 360 elite only has hdmi 1.2

-ps3 has the Cell Broadband processor which consists of 8 simutaniously working cpu's capable of processing 2 trillion calculations per second(2 TFLOPS)

-ps3 has the best graphics with the NVIDIA RSX Graphics Processor which pools it's RAM with the Cell and uses the Cell processors extra processing power.

-Ps3 is only $500, 360 elite costs 500 and lacks wifi, a next gen disc format, and still has that huge power brick)

First off, the cell processor is much more powerful than the xbox 360's xenon CPU. In calculations per secons (Floating point opperations per seconds) The ps3 maxes out at 2TFLOPS or 2 trillion calculations per second. While that might not sound like allot to you, that is allot of processing power, the ps3 is even used in a project called "Folding@home" for Stanford university to fold and analyze proteins for cancer research, and the addition of the ps3 to their network just made it the most powerful networks of computers to make it also the strongest supercomputer, with a max performance of a Petaflop, or one trillion calculations per second. (

If you're going entirely by the potential of each consoles hard ware, the ps3 by a long shot. The ps3 has a CPU with tons of power (8 cores, the 360 has a xenon with 3 cores), and is actually being used to process protein folding for cancer research. The GPU, the RSX was said for a while that it was at a disadvantage from it's RAM shortage, but the truth is that Sony did that on purpose so the RSX could get the extra RAM and processing power from the RSX by pooling it directly into the GPU, therefore the ps3 actually has the power to render DX10 like graphics.

Tons of ps3 games are being released this year. Over 40 of them are exclusive for just and only ps3, and over 200 shared titles.

Oh, and by the way, blu ray is needed, a regular dvd (which xbox 360 elite uses) can only hold up to 9 GB, whereas the ps3 has blu ray (which holds 50 GB) which means, the ps3 has much more space to hold graphic games, such as Resistance Fal of Man, it took 16 GB, that's almost twice the space on a regular DVD, for Resistance, which graphics aren't that great compared to games to come. Also, the DEMO for Uncharted Drakes Fortune doesn't even fit on a DVD. Games WILL need more space. Blu ray IS needed.

Full Comparison of ps3 and xbox 360-
2007-07-28 16:23:16 UTC
Get a 360 cause in the future PS3 still won't be as good.
2007-07-29 13:05:14 UTC
this site will give you a playstation 3 just for completing some quick online tasks! really recommend it, especially if you're broke but really want a ps3 (like me).
Im not telling you my REAL name
2007-07-28 18:52:00 UTC
jesus for god sake the ps3 has plenty games out!over 60,lair is round the corner ps3 is better
2007-07-28 17:50:47 UTC
They're not comparable. Get a PS3, no doubt!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.